for your viewing pleasure =]

Jul 08, 2005 23:37

I'm pretty bored.. so I figured I'd do this. If you have no life & are very bored then I guess read it ? lol

I am

[ ]in between 5'4" - 6'
[ ]tall (6'2")+

[ ]blonde
[ ]redhead
[x ]brunette
[ ]dirty blonde

[ ]blue-eyed
[ ]green-eyed
[ ]hazel eyed
[ ]gold/gray-eyed
[ ]glasses
[ ]contacts
[ ]braces
[ ]freckles
[ ]tattoos
[ ]branding

[x]long hair
[ ]short hair
[ ]med. hair

Your nationality includes...
[ ]chinese
[ ]indian
[ ]taiwanese
[ ]japanese
[ ]hispanic
[ ]nicoya
[ ]puerto rican
[ ]chicana
[ ]italian
[ ]scottish
[ ]filipino
[ ]armenian
[ ]dutch
[ ]french
[ ]German
[ ]irish
[ ]greek
[ ]portugeese
[ ]polish
[ ]brazilian
[ ]jamacian
[ ]canadian
[ ]lithuanian
[ ]Native American
[ ]Russian
[ ]British
[ ]Swedish
[ ]African
[ ]spanish
[ ]hungarian
[ ]thai
[ ]guamanian
[ ]Czech-Slovakian
[ ]Welch
[ ]lebanese
[ ]mexican
[ ]Sicilian
[ ]Danish
[ ]Persian
[ ]you aren't sure
[ ]English
[ ]Norweigan

Your favorite color(s) are?
[ ]red
[ ]pink
[ ]yellow
[ ]green
[ ]blue
[ ]silver/gray
[ ]brown
[ ]orange
[ ]aqua

Some sports/physical things you have done more than once?
[ ]dancing
[ ]lacrosse
[ ]swim
[ ]field hockey
[ ]hockey
[ ]water polo
[ ]wrestling
[x]track/cross country
[ ]golf (does mini golf count??)
[x]playing in the mud
[ ]playing music
[ ]hiking
[ ]kayaking
[ ]camping
[ ]horseback riding
[ ]tennis
[ ]volleyball
[ ]synchronized swimming
[ ]color guard

Your personality is sometimes...
[x] annoying
[x] talkative
[x] shy
[x] funny
[x] serious
[ ] bubbly
[ ] spazzy
[x] fun loving
[x] laid back
[ ] strict
[x] hyper
[x] weird
[x] ditzy
[x] sarcastic
[ ] quiet

The pets you have had?
[ ]cat
[ ]lizard
[ ]rat
[ ]ferret
[ ]rabbit
[ ]ducks
[ ]chickens
[ ]horse
[ ]bird
[ ]goat
[ ]turkey
[ ]other

Clothes you like to wear are?
[ ]plain tshirts
[x]tank tops
[ ]stockings
[x]high heels
[ ]sneakers
[ ]pj pants
[ ]dresses
[x]mini skirts
[ ]med.skirts
[ ]long skirts
[ ]belly button ring
[x]hoop earring(s)
[x]long earring(s)
[ ]toe socks
[x]flip flops
[x]halter tops
[ ]stilletos
[ ]band shirts HELL NO
[ ]boots
[ ]arm/leg-warmers
[ ]corsets
[ ]leather jacket

You're mostly labeled as?
[ ]ghetto
[ ]goth
[ ]emo
[ ]prep
[ ]punk
[ ]ska kid
[ ]hippie (together me and chloe are hypsy)
[ ]nerd
[ ]ditzy
[ ]............
[ ]suicidal
[ ]poser
[x]I hate labels
[ ]not quite sure
[x]stoner lmfao
[ ]####/##### etc.

You eat?
[ ]dessert every night
[ ]no meat
[x]sometimes diet stuff
[x]healthy foods
[x]junk foods
[x]alot of carbs
[x]meat rarely
[ ]seafood (no often)
[ ]cheese

A typical friday night...
[ ]mall with friends
[ ]watching movies
[ ]going to the club
[x]staying home
[ ]babysitting
[x]hanging out w/ my friends
[ ]working while your friends are out having fun!
[ ]practice

[ ] I am a university student.
[x] I am a cuddler.
[x] I am an okay dancer.
[ ] I am a huge fan of lists.
[ ] I am a morning person.
[ ] I am a perfectionist.
[ ] I am a Republican.
[ ] I am allergic to something deadly.
[ ] I am an only child.
[x] I am Catholic.
[ ] I am content as of this moment.
[ ] I am currently in my pajamas.
[ ] I am currently pregnant.
[x] I am currently single.
[ ] I am embarrassed to be seen with my mother or father.
[x] I am currently suffering from a breaking heart.
[ ] I am okay at styling other people's hair. i enjoy doing it, yes
[ ] I am left handed. i get asked that alot. For future reference, I AM NOT LEFT-HANDED, althought i do many things left-handed.
[ ] I am married.
[ ] I am obsessed with my Livejournal.
[ ] I am online 24/7, even as an away message.
[ ] I am procrastinating by filling out this list.
[ ] I am resentful that I have to grow up.
[ ] I am very shy around the opposite sex.
[ ] I am, or was, pigeon-toed.
[x] I bite my nails.
[ ] I can be paranoid at times. -never
[ ] I carry a weapon with me everywhere I go.
[ ] I collect picture frames.
[x] I currently have a crush on someone.
[x] I consider myself to be a 'nerd'.
[x] I currently regret something that I have done/am doing.
[x] I curse frequently.
[x] I do not believe people are inherently good or evil.
[ ] I don't hate anyone.
[ ] I enjoy country music.
[ ] I enjoy ...jazz music.
[x] I enjoy smoothies.
[x] I enjoy talking on the phone.
[ ] I have a
[ ] I have a mobile phone.
[x] I have a hard time paying attention at school.
[ ] I have a hidden talent.
[ ] I have a hobby.
[x] I have a lot to learn.
[x] I have a pet.
[x] I have a secret that I am ashamed to reveal.
[x] I have a tendency to fall for the "wrong" guy.
[ ] I have all of my real grandparents.
[x] I have at least one brother and/or sister.
[ ] I have avoided work to play with my Livejournal.
[x] I have been in a real relationship.
[ ] I have been in a threesome.
[ ] I have been rejected by someone. -i can't remember?
[ ] I have been the "psycho ex" in a past relationship.
[x] I have been to another country.
[ ] I have been to an anime convention.
[ ] I have been to Europe.
[ ] I have been to Las Vegas.
[ ] I have been told that I am very smart.
[x] I have been told that I have an unusual sense of humor.
[ ] I have broken a bone.
[x] I have Caller I.D. on my phone.
[ ] I have changed a diaper.
[ ] I have changed a lot over the past year.
[x] I have cheated on a significant other.
[x] I have counted down the days until the summer.
[x] I have dated my friend's ex.
[x] I have done something illegal. -ohh man lol
[x] I have friends who have never seen my natural hair color.
[ ] I have gone scuba diving/snorkling.
[ ] I have had major/minor surgery.
[ ] I have had my hair cut within the last week.
[ ] I have had sex with someone I was not in a relationship with.
[x] I have had the cops called on me.
[ ] I have snogged someone I knew I shouldn't.
[ ] I have snogged someone of the same sex.
[ ] I have made a move on a friend's significant other in the past.
[x] I have mood swings.
[x] I have no idea what I want to do for the rest of my life.
[x] I have passed out drunk at least once in the past 6 months.
[x] I have rejected someone before.
[ ] I have seen The Lord of the Rings trilogy.
[ ] I have seen the television show The O.C.
[x] I have swam in the ocean.
[x] I have tried a drug that is illegal.
[ ] I have tried sushi.
[ ] I have watched Sex and the City.
[x] I have watched the television show Spongebob Squarepants.
[x] I know how to shoot a gun.
[ ] I like being the center of attention.
[x] I like eating Ramen noodles.
[ ] I like my handwriting.
[ ] I like Shakespeare.
[ ] I like the taste of blood.
[ ] I like to cook.
[x] I like to sing. -if its a song i love
[ ] I like to vacuum.
[ ] I like learning foreign languages.
[ ] I love Michael Jackson.
[x] I love my friends.
[ ] I love olives.
[ ] I love rain.
[x] I love sleeping.
[ ] I love to play computer games.
[x] I love to shop.
[x] I miss someone right now. =/
[x] I own 100 CDs or more.
[ ] I own a home.
[ ] I own and use a library card.
[ ] I play a musical instrument.
[ ] I practice a religion that is not considered mainstream.
[ ] I read books for pleasure.
[x] I shave my legs.
[ ] I sleep a lot during the day.
[ ] I strongly dislike math.
[x] I think Britney Spears is pretty.
[ ] I think long strings of html code look cool.
[ ] I think Pizza Hut makes the best pizza.
[x] I think the world would be a better place if people just smiled more often.
[ ] I was born in a country other than the USA.
[ ] I watch more TV this year than last year.
[ ] I watch soap operas on a regular basis.
[x] I wear contact lenses.
[x] I will try anything once. -depends..
[ ] I work at a job that I enjoy.
[x] I would classify myself as ghetto. lmfaoooo
[ ] I would get plastic surgery if it were 100% safe, free of cost, and scar-free.
[ ] I like orange kool aid.
[ ] I can name all 7 dwarfs.
[ ] I like being at school.
[ ] I always love wearing sweaters.
[ ] I love water polo.
[ ] I am currently wearing socks.
[ ] I am being nostalgic right now. -wtf does that mean
[ ] I hate summer.
[ ] I am tired.
[ ] I love to paint/draw/sketch/sculpt.

I have....
[x] been drunk.
[x] smoked pot.
[ ] done ecstasy.
[ ] done coke.
[ ] done crack.
[ ] done ######.
[ ] done opium.
[ ] done ###.
[ ] done LSD.
[ ] done CCC's.
[ ] done prescription narcotics for recreational purposes.
[ ] huffed air-duster.
[ ] been to a rave.
[x] been to a real party.
[x] kissed someone.
[x] ridden in a taxi.
[ ] jumped a ramp with a bike.
[x] been dumped.
[ ] been used.
[ ] shoplifted.
[x] ran from the cops.
[x] been in a room of your school that you could get suspended for being in -lmfao
[ ] been fired.
[x] been kicked out of a movie theater.
[x] snuck into a movie.
[..] been in a fist fight.
[ ] got hit by a car.
[x] fired a real gun.
[x] snuck out of your parent's house.
[..] been arrested.
[ ] gone in a mosh pit.
[ ] stolen something from your school.
[ ] celebrated new years in times square.
[ ] gone on a blind date.
[x] lied to a friend.
[ ] had a crush on a teacher.
[ ] celebrated mardi-gras in new orleans.
[ ] been to europe.
[x] skipped school. -does a class count? lol
[x] thrown up from drinking. -ONCE BITCHES
[x] played clue.
[x] had a sleepover party.
[x] gone ice skating.
[x] cheated on a bf/gf.
[x] been cheated on.
[ ] had your tonsils out.
[x] been exposed to laughing gas.
[ ] had a car.
[x] driven a car.
[ ] Totaled a car. almost lmfao

Do you...
[ ] feel loved.
[x] feel lonely.
[ ] feel happy.
[ ] hate yourself.
[x] have a dog.
[x] have your own room.
[x] sing along with your music.
[ ] dance around the house in your underwear.
[ ] listen to Hawaiian Music.
[x] listen to underground hip hop.
[x] listen to rap.
[ ] listen to classic rock.
[ ] listen to new rock.
[ ] listen to country.
[ ] listen to reggae.
[ ] listen to techno.
[ ] listen to ######## punk. -ughhhh
[ ] listen to pop.
[x] listen to r&b.
[ ] listen to jazz.
[ ] listen to crooners.
[ ] listen to bands that can't be put into a category.
[ ] have hobbies.
[ ] skateboard.
[ ] do aggressive inline.
[ ] snowboard.
[ ] ski.
[ ] surf.
[ ] skim board.
[x] have more than 1 best friend.
[ ] get good grades.
[ ] play an instrument.
[ ] have slippers
[x] wear boxers
[x] wear black eyeliner.
[x] like the color blue.
[x] like the color pink.
[ ] like the color red
[ ] like the color green.
[x] like the color black
[x] like the color purple.
[ ] like neon colors
[ ] like to read.
[ ] like to write.
[x] have long hair.
[ ] have short hair.
[ ] have a laptop.
[ ] have a pager.

Are you...
[x] bored.
[ ] happy.
[ ] bilingual.
[x] Hawaiian.
[ ] blonde
[x] a brunette
[ ] a redhead
[x] a darkhead
[ ] Samoan.
[ ] Filipino.
[x] Korean.
[ ] British.
[ ] white.
[ ] Italian.
[ ] black.
[ ] Inuit
[ ] Mexican.
[x] Asian. -same ####### thing.. wtf
[x] a Christian
[ ] a Muslim
[ ] a Jew
[ ] a Hindu
[ ] a scientologist
[ ] an atheist
[ ] satanist
[x] short.
[ ] tall
[ ] just right.
[x] realistic
[ ] an emo kid.
[ ] sick
[ ] mad
[x] lazy.
[ ] talking to someone.
[x] IMing someone. kirstin =)
[ ] scared to die.
[ ] buzzed
[ ] high -i frickin wishhh
[ ] caffeinated.
[x] sleepy.
[ ] annoyed.
[ ] hungry.
[ ] thirsty.
[ ] on the phone.
[ ] in your room.
[ ] drinking something.
[ ] eating something.
[x] ticklish.
[ ] listening to music.
[x] a virgin.


x Full Name: Catherine Sieloff
x Birthday: Feb 2 1990
x Zodiac: Aquarius
x What time is it?: 12:04 AM
x What is the date?: july 9
x Other Names Your Parents Considered: none that i know of
--------------------Standard Stuff----------------------------
x Eyes: brown
x Hair: dark brown
x Height: 5'2
x Shoe Size: 6.5-7
x Who lives with you? parents, brother
x When is your bedtime? whenever i fall asleep
--------------------In the Last 24 Hours-----------------------
x Cried: no
x Worn jeans: no, skirt.
x Met someone new: yes actually, Jeannine! =]
x Done laundry: haha riiight, me, do laundry.. k
x Cursed: you answer that one
x Watched a Movie: yeah
x Went to the movies: no

x Went shopping: nope
x Gotten sick: nope
x Been kissed: no =/
x Given a kiss: no
x Lied: no
----------------------Have You Ever-------------------------
x Missed school cuz of weather: no
x Lit urself on fire: no
x Kept a secret from everybody: yeap
x Had an imaginary friend: no
x Ever been in love w/ a friend: yeah
x Cried during a Movie? none other than the notebook
x Had crush on an teacher? no
x Been on stage: yep
x Cut your own hair: yeah lmfao
x Done drugs: fsho
x Seen a murder: nope
------------------------Your Firsts------------------------------
x First best friend: Stephanie Mckee.. I miss her. :(
x First car: i wish
x First real date: dont even know lol
x First real break-up: Kyle
x First self purchased album: prolly my lil 112 CD lol
x First piercing/tattoo: ears
x First enemy: this bitch amanda in my pre-school class lmfao
x First big trip: florida
x First Kiss: um when i was like 7?
x First failing grade: ahh.. lmfao theres been too many.. prolly last year maybe? or 7th grade
----------------------In the Last Week -------------------
x Been mean: yeaa
x Been sarcastic: oh yeah lol
x Talked to someone you have a crush on: yea =/
x Hugged someone: yep
x Fought with your parents? yeah
x Got in an argument with your best friend: no
x Laughed until you cried: no
x Played Truth or Dare: no
x Watched a sunrise/sunset: no
x Went to the beach at night: I wish :(

-------------------Who Did this Last-----------------
x Called you last night: Quincy
x Slept in your bed: me
x Saw you cry: me
x Made you cry: ;/
x Made you laugh: ashliegh & leah when we were boofin' last night lmao :PP
x You shared a drink with: myself
x You went to the movies with: hm.. lochrie. bad night lmao :X
x Went out to eat with: family
x Bought you something: no one
x Sent you an email: jason lmfao
-------------------------- Extras -----------------------------
x Black or white? black
x TV or movie? tv
X Cat or dog? dog
x Walmart or target? target
x Spring or Fall? spring
x Sun or rain? sun
x What are you gonna do after this? talk ta people & then pry go to bed
x What was the last meal you ate? Um.. rallys i think
x Are you bored? yesssssss
x Last noise you heard? me typing
x Shampoo: pantene pro-v♥
x Favorite Color: dont have one but if i really had to pink green blue black white lol
x Summer/Winter/Fall/Spring: summer of course
x Favorite Movies: Fridayyy & a couple others
x Favorite sport: basketball
---------------------What are You?-------------------------
x Wearing: shirt & a skirt
x Thinking about: someone. =/
x Listening to: myself typing
------------------------Have You Ever 2-----------------------
x Been to Canada? yeah
x Danced Naked? no lol
x Skinny dipped? nope
x Stalked someone? no
x Snuck out? yeah
x Wished you were the opposite sex: yeah
------------------------ Random ----------------------------
x Are you bored? very
x Are you lonely? yeah =/ but theres only one person that can fix that. :/
x Are you happy? no not really
x Do you drink? hell yeah :D
x Who named you? my parents?
x When was the last time you showered? earlier today

x What color pants do you have one right now? i have a ####### skirt on
x What song are you listening to right now? g'd up
x What color is your shirt? white
x What is right next to you? nothing
x What is your computer desk made of? wood lol
x Are you eating anything? nopeee
x What did you do last night? partied at jeffs house :D & stayed at ash's for the night :p
x How are you today? crappy :)
------------------------- Extras 2----------------------------
x Do you have your license? i ####### wish.. i'll have my permit in a few days tho
x what book are you reading now? me, read? right.

x Nickname: cat
x Pets: dog

x Siblings: 1 brother aka my bestfriend. :)
x Have you ever been so drunk you didn't remember that you were drunk: no not really
x Taken any illegal substances: wouldn't you like to know. ;]
x Gone out in public in your pajamas: yeah
x Played ding-dong-ditch? in 7th & 8th grade lol
x Wanted to hook up with a friend/date them: yeh
x Did something illegal? sure have
x Did you get caught? lol unfortunately
x Gotten arrested? :X
x Gotten a ticket for something? :X
x Prank called someone: yep
---------------------Do You Believe In----------------------
x Yourself: no
x Santa Claus: no
x Tooth Fairy: nope
x Destiny/Fate: i duno
x Angels: yea
x God: yeah
--------------------Friends and Life------------------------
x Do you have a girlfriend/boyfriend? no =/
x Do you like anyone? yeah ;/
x What's the best feeling in the world: being sooo head over heels crazy in love with someone <3
x Worst Feeling: being lonely & empty inside. i HATE that.
x Worst fear: being alone.
x Time now: 12:22 am
x Last car ride: with my brother earlier
x Last good cry: dont remember..
x Last library book checked out: #### if i know
x Last beverage drank: diet pepsi
x Last shoes worn: flip flops
x Last cd played: eminem
x Last item bought: my black & milds
x Last annoyance: a certain someone :)
x Last disappointment: ha..
x Last time wanting to die: i duno
x Last website visited: livejournal
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