Oct 23, 2009 22:24

To begin, please vote on three previous unstamped applications (if available) and place the links here:
#1 -
#2 - Everyone else has been stamped already.
#3 - Can we just pretend I rated everyone as Caligula?

Name: Vanja
Age: Nineteen
I love music, reading is enjoyable, especially historical fiction and classics. Walking around in the middle of rainstorms and thunderstorms is a particular interest of mine, as is interneting, trying to learn as many languages as possible, debating/paying more attention to politics than I probably should, and playing video games (particularly RPGs and strategies).
Independent, calm/collected, analytical (but, combined with the the last trait, it sometimes ends up being interpreted as "calculating and insensitive"), clever, cautious-yet-adaptable, open-minded, helpful towards those I don't view negatively.
Highly critical of myself and others, secretive (in the sense of concealing things without people even realizing it; not secretive in the "I'm not going to tell you anything" rude sort of way), devious/manipulative if necessary, emotionally distant, stubborn, mocking, cynical (even if it stems from how I can be idealistic), innerly dejected (I hide it), and my overall personality can be very contradicting. (I can go from authoritative to laid back, be haughty and self-depreciating, polite and harsh, etc. In many cases, it depends on the circumstance and who I'm around.)
What do you love?:
See my interests. Add tea and coffee.
What do you hate?:
I have an intense dislike of crudeness. Other sources of irritation revolve around insomnia, bigots, people who constantly complain/whine about their situation but never act to change it, having to explain the same thing over and over, willful ignorance, and gender generalizations.
Describe yourself in three words: Contradicting, complex, cryptic
In three words, how might other people describe you?: Depends on who you ask, but most people tend to agree that I'm "intelligent, humorous, and 'strong'"...
What are your worst fears?:
Not accomplishing half of what I want to in life, being seen as a failure, dying before I get the chance to see the world, losing control of myself (ex: a mind-killing disease)... or really, being controlled by anything.

Frugal or Lavish: Frugal, although not really by choice, heh. I'd love to have nice things (although not in excess), but am used to being without them.
Traditional or Unconventional: Unconventional. I'd describe myself as a progressive, and do dislike stagnation and pointless (often degrading) traditions.
Cautious or Impulsive: Cautious. I prefer to think everything through, but I'm not completely incapable of "thinking on my feet" either.
Fanciful or Sensible: Sensible.
Lover or Fighter: Ah, neither are priorities of mine. I suppose I'm a fighter in spirit... if we associate it with determination.
Responsibility or Popularity: Responsibility.
Reserved or Outspoken: Reserved. I'm not shy, and I can be outspoken if the situation absolutely calls for it, but I'm generally an introvert.

What do you think of the Senate and the "old ways"?:
I'm torn between saying "necessary" and "annoying." I suppose they can be both-- I respect the purpose of it being there, but they could complicate things if I was certain of something and they disagreed with it. On the other hand, they didn't really have that much authority during certain periods... At the very least, I think it's a good idea to have others around you can exchange ideas with/bounce ideas off of.
Of course you revere the gods, don't you?:
... uhh, sure. I absolutely love the gods! Or, at least, that's the story I'm going with. *hacking cough*

Denying something like that just tends to cause the most unnecessary and pointless types of conflict. While I may be a godless heathen, it's pretty easy to hide that.
The people of Rome demand amusement. What do you do about it?:
Give them what they want. Keeping your people happy can be pretty beneficial for many power-retaining reasons, and no empire is /one/ person. They should be able to enjoy themselves within reason.
So, how about those Greeks?: Well, I find them fascinating from a real life standpoint, but if I were in Ancient Rome I'd probably view them more as a curiosity... but I'd still find it interesting to compare our cultures and consider everything we stole from them.
What would you like to do in your free time as emperor?:
I suppose I'm really tried at the moment since my first thought was "sleep"... but, uh, since I'm an insomniac I doubt that'll be too effective anyway. Actually, I'd love to travel, ponder philosophy/read, relax in the baths...
What would your legacy be? What would you want to be remembered for/as?:
I tried my best to do what I thought would benefit Rome the most. Since I definitely wouldn't be idle, perhaps not everyone agreed with either my ideas or my methods, but hopefully I accomplished something of merit.

There is unrest in the frontier areas; barbarians are raiding. What would be your course of action?:
Send a sufficient force to counter them, but be careful not to send too many; wasting resources on barbarians can leave one vulnerable to bigger threats.
You learn of a revolt in the provinces, led by one of your generals. What do you do?:
I want to know their reasons for the revolt, but it should be dealt with as swiftly as possible to avoid incompetence on our behalf (as that would only cause more people to join their side). Since they essentially betrayed us, I'd have no problem punishing them for it... Hurrah public beheading! ... oh, wait, wrong era of history. It should be public in order to discourage others from getting the same idea, however.
Overall, how would you feel about your role as supreme commander of the legions?:
... a bit more enthusiastic than I probably should be about it, honestly.

Anything else you think we should know?:
[Optional!] Finally, please give us a brief description of yourself or a picture (image or URL):

stamped: augustus, !stamped

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