Hey, i was just wondering if anybody could do me a favour? I Want a black and white manga picture coloured,but i havent got any programmes to do that myself ^^. If it isnt any trouble that is,Oh and if this sorta thing isnt aloud,please feel free to delete it!
Under here!
http://img61.echo.cx/img61/5866/couple120fs.jpg Well, firstly i just want some basic things the rest is up to you
I want the girls hair to be a darky colour,and her skin to be pale,I want her clothes to be quite Japan street fashiony lol,something cute. And i want the guys hair to be like a blonde/brown colour,And his skin to be more tanned than the girls. The rest is completely up to you ^^Thankles!
As i said before, if this isnt aloud please delete it.