(no subject)

May 18, 2008 03:10

My nails are so long right now they're taking chunks out of my keyboard. Sonofabitch.

Finals are over. Graduation is over. I will remember fondly the all-nighter I pulled for my House of Leaves paper/project. The printer frustration, loads of black acrylic paint, and sobbing through the middle of it. Then realizing the sun was coming up and I was done with it. Funny, our professor wanted us to present our papers to the class. FUNNY. My seven minutes of not-fame was spent telling the class why I wasn't going to read my paper, or talk about it, or even look at it. That's how done with it I was. Did I get an A? Fuck if I care at this point. That book has been haunting me forever, and now I've shifted enough to move on. Will I ever really be done with what it stands for? Probably not.

In a nutshell:
Perhaps the whole book is a parody of existence, a letter to the missing, a repeated tattoo of SOS on the hallways between you and I.

Graduation was great. Couldn't have happened to more deserving people. Marie's speech was awesome, commencement was short, Tasha's heels rocked, and the place was easy to find. Hung out with Marie and her fam for the after-party. Really awesomesauce people, there. Stayed the night, had breakfast, then came back to apartmentland in the rain.

Short-term goal: fucking beat Devil May Cry 3. I don't have my own memory card up here, so I might as well finish the last battle before I go home, else I'll have to start ALL OVER AGAIN. Fuck. No.

Tried out Prince of Persia: The Two Thrones today. Handed me my ass without a consolation award. Seriously. The game is so pretty and brilliant, but it's genuinely hard. Can't button-mash. That gets you killed in .3 seconds. The swift-kill system is beautiful. I've never seen such gorgeous assassination moves. (Don't kill me, I haven't played Assassin's Creed yet, so I can't compare.) Favorite moment thus far: "Why is it, whenever disaster strikes, I'm without a proper blade?" He said that in game and is thusly endeared to me forever. The narration happening while you're running around being a ninja is interesting and helpful that it doesn't stick you in a bizillion cutscenes to explain everything. However, it's kinda hard to pay attention to obligatorychickbimbo prattle and still get the jumps right.

Also saw Iron Man. Some of the best dialog I've heard in a superhero movie. On the subject of movies, don't hate me, but the new Indiana Jones movie isn't exciting me much. I'm more stoked about Prince Caspian. I know, I know, UNCLEAN SHOOT IT NAO. Blame my Epic superdrive. It's been working over-time lately. As has my graphics card. You can see the fruits of that in the next LJ entry. It's got a name. Holycrapbatjesusman. AKA senior project thingie.

The rest of this month will be spent in a cleaning/packing/White Wolfing frenzy. I'm officially back to RI the 25th if all goes according to plan. And it better, damnit.

Abridged: Hi, I'm still alive. Finals are over. Graduation was cool. Devil May Cry 3, Prince of Persia. Movies. Senior project omg. Busy month. I'll be back in RI May 25th for the summer.
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