So apparently everybody's either getting engaged or having kids this month. Sheesh. I'm happy for you all and so on and so forth, though a bit of me is growly and bitchy. Certain people have given me renewed reason to steer the fuck clear. I apologize if I'm not squeeful/gleeful/squishtastic enough for you right now. I've reverted to selfish-loner mode in which I let myself feel however the fuck I feel.
I've got the beach job again, which is nice. More time to sit on my ass and daydream. I've also got a few hunker books to read. Norse Myths, the Poetic Edda, and some Icelandic Sagas. Reading the myths first because that seems to make the most sense... All for the senior project thing. I apologize for taking up your precious air by blabbing about it every chance I get 'cause I'm... I think excited is the word. Reading all this mythology + Zelda: Twilight Princess makes me feel like a little kid again, carrying around a sling-shot and just getting into David Eddings. It makes me feel this warm, fuzzy, familiar sensation. Must needs put on tick repellent and traipse around the woods.
I really, really wanna use the phrase "Ours is a young and untried god" in something. It keeps popping up in my head for no reason at all.
Ugh. UGH. No, you're not allowed to be fucking 95 degrees tomorrow. NOT ALLOWED.
Good news: Chris has hired me for numerous shit along the lines of album art for Hemlok, fliers, and god only knows what else as long as he pays me. I'm working with him at a reduced rate because they have to put out the album themselves, but I look at it as they're pimping my shit out, so hopefully it'll pay off in the end. I've also got a few other commissions laying around I need to start/finish.
Sometimes I think I'm okay enough to let people in again. There's been enough time, I've built my shrine to it and burned it down and it's gone and I can let it go now. Then I remember "just because" is no longer a good reason for anything, and lovesongs are always misinterpreted or ignored.
I need to do something with my hair for now. I'm going as Mugen from Samurai Champloo, Tsuzuki from Yami no Matsuei, and Ran/Aya from WeiB Kreuz for PortCon. Can't dye it or anything fun until then. Bleh. Looking forward to growing it out again, however. I KNOW. I wanna be able to pull it back in a little samurai ponytail with Fenrir-esque bangs. Mine won't do the cool, curly thing his does, but I've wanted that little ponytail longer than I've known him, SO THERE. I, um, also found a pair of the earrings he wears. Yes I bought them...shutface. Abe's jealous I won't gauge my ears or do the scene bangs he has.
This is a shot in the dark, but would anyone like a white rat with red eyes? He's living with me for now, but I can't take him back to NH with me. His name's Joscelin, and he's a very nice rat. In fact, I'm a bit heartbroken that I have to give him up. If I can't find anybody to take him, he's going to a shelter.
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So much for no more lovesongs.