Hope everybody had an awesome holiday! I plan to write a bit about how important Halloween is to me, but I'm kinda ADD right now. Explanation of costume: I went as a Gary Oldman-esque young Dracula, but instead of his gray and blue color scheme, I did black and red and, you know, tits.
I'm doing Sketchavember along with NaWriMo, so here's my first entry for that!
Doing an art-trade with a friend and this is her character, Ries. He's a pretty cool undead-cat and even has his own webcomic called
Afterworld. Go check it out! Psst! Vote for her while you're at it :D
For me, the vet is by far scarier than the normal doctor. We had a surprise visit with Tane today. I was petting him and he smelled funny, like blood only a lot sharper. Very chemical. So the vet looked at him and checked his blood sugar. It was a little wonky, but nothing else wrong.
Then we had to go and snap at the golden retriever in the waiting room. Aiya, my dog is indeed mine.
My turn. Had a physical today which went well. My doctor suggested I start taking vitamin D supplements since, you know, no sunshine beginning NOW. Man, lab techs are the most dour people ever. She must've drawn four vials of blood from me; it just went on and on. On the bright side, I'm getting my hormone levels checked.
Next is flu shot and cervical cancer vaccine. Joy.
I'm boring and using it as an excuse to get the first Asgard draft done. Nope, nothing special. Up to page 240-something by now. I suck at word-counts, but I'm predicting I'll have to break 400 pages before it's done and ready for editing.
If you haven't talked to me about writing before, I tend to outline major plot-points, then write like hell to get to them. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. Like filling in Swiss Cheese with wall Spackle. If they weren't such spoilers, I'd post a list of them so you could countdown with me to the end, but that'd be giving away too much. Muahahaha.
Onward, bitches!