no one ever comments.....i dont really expect them too, cuz mine are mostly pointless.. anyways leaving for london soon, wont have a computer, possibly not a phone hah, besides my cell.......good writtens
i feel like such a fuckin inconsiderate drunk moron right now.. i shouldn't feel guilty but somehow I do...
i am genuinely sorry...
She finally drank her pain away a little at a time - She never could get drunk enough to get him off her mind, finally she drank away his memory - clinging to his picture for dear life.......
for the first time in awhile - im going to admit im lonely and actually mean it. other times its been whiny bullSHIT, but i really am lonely this time........... i dont like it.
why is this so hard still? i got what i wanted.... its that little fuckin voice somewhere saying yah do worry....everything will be back to normal soon...
hes not coming back...i HATE that, i and i hate that i even think about that. im retarded.