So I think I've got this chapter pretty much finished. There's going to be tweaking, no doubt, but it's roughly completed, at least. The thing I like the most about this part (because I am this weird) is the chapter title. Even though I think it fits perfectly, I don't think anyone else is going to get it. Or even think about it, really. Or if they
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Comments 5
Oh! You're comeing to San Diego?!!! Wow! That's like 2 hours from me! ^__^ I hope you have fun!!! Gosh, i wish I could get drunk and into trouble. Too bad i have a "job" and "responsibilites. Bla. . . . .
Anyways, so glad to hear from you! And i'm SO gong to look into the song for your title! You know how much i love the music!! ^___^
I remembered you saying you were out there on the west coast somewhere ^_^ I hope the weather's nice. It's funny, I'm going out there for work, but I know that I'm going to be going out and partying every night. And my boss will be paying for my drinks. This is the best job ever!
The chapter title actually isn't a song this time (though it is, a lot). There's not even a song in this part... hmm... that's not like me...
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