My 2010 Moments of Rapture entry, Chasing Wings (
read the other fabulous entries here)
An alternate reality in which Heero, a boy with strange tattoos and no memories, is joined by an enigmatic boy named Duo on a quest through a strange colony with quirks of its own.
Features an Alternate Reality (What If?) and a twist on the Journet/Quest genre, along with graphic violence, strong language, and mild sexual undertones. Standard disclaimer applies.
PART I PART II PART III PART IV PART V Just a few notes... Huge thanks to Startirs for beta-ing and nudges as well as to Sharon for being so lovely as to host the contest again this year, but I would also like to mention Joseph Campbell's study of the Monomyth and the Quest in liturature in his The Hero with a Thousand Faces as being enourmously helpful in regards to the framework of this story. As he wrote:
“A hero ventures forth from the world of common day into a region of supernatural wonder: fabulous forces are there encountered and a decisive victory is won: the hero comes back from this mysterious adventure with the power to bestow boons on his fellow man. ”