Due to the fact that I'm the author of the story that Amadeus came from, I'll be doing the write-up on him. Yes, "I" means Evelynne's player. Amy-mun doesn't even like writing things like this anyway. :P
Don't let the icons fool you. Amadeus doesn't really look that much like them. While yes, he looks like a businessman half the time, he does wear clothes other than suits and ties. And to get it out of the way, Amadeus' hair is only cropped that short when Evelynne forces him to go get it cut. Otherwise, he doesn't care enough to have it trimmed regularly. Yes, this means his hair's long. Shoulder-length. In which case, it's usually tied back.
Of average height, Amadeus carries himself in a way that he never seems tall, but he never seems short. Generally, a very confident man that seems somewhat too withdrawn, and on occasion, too formal. He has a very unmemorable face, in fact, even though to the right people, it's a well-known one.
When it comes to personality, Amadeus takes the opposite end of the spectrum as Evelynne. Calm, quiet, and sometimes too rational, he never makes a judgment until he feels he has enough proof and background to back it up, and he never treats anyone rudely. Though Evelynne's the outspoken of the two, it can't be said that Amadeus never says what's on his mind. He simply waits until he has something concrete in mind to say. He doesn't believe in confrontation as a form of remedy, so he never seems nearly as insulting as Evelynne. Likely because he isn't.
If he's comfortable with the person he's addressing, he's very laidback. At the moment, it can't be said that he feels that way about anyone in the city. When comparing how he acts with Evelynne to how he acts with anyone else, it's obvious that there's a disparity between his public face and his personal one. Amadeus is hardly the stiff man he makes himself out to be at times. He's simply not an open one. With those he can be open with, he lets loose on using dry humor, laughing, and showing some degree of frustration.
Amadeus, however, almost never shows anger. He finds it tactless, and when he's angry, he knows he doesn't think. And thinking is the first thing to success on his part. Therefore, he makes a discernable effort to always keep his cool and ignore any attempts at being riled up.
While he doesn't have the down-to-earth sensibility that Evelynne has, Amadeus isn't a fool. He knows when he's doing something that probably won't work, and he knows why it probably won't work. But despite his staid nature, he's always been something of a risk-taker. It just hasn't shown here at PC yet.
He also has a very strong sense of justice. Though primarily unable to enact that, he takes care not to shrug off things like Evelynne does. Evelynne, who has met killers and amoral people in the city and done nothing about them (not that she could), follows a line of thinking that says "live and let live." Amadeus, on the other hand, would have an almost irresistable urge to at least talk out why he doesn't agree with someone or something. Hence, why he seems to avoid the more colorful figures of the city.
Unlike Evelynne, Amadeus is very future-oriented. He always has consequences in mind and what sort of effect one action will have as opposed to the other. Surprisingly, he also has a tendency to be a little fixated on the past. Not in an unhealthy way, but in a way that can, at times, make him much too sober for anyone to talk to. This especially gets to Evelynne, who doesn't believe in the past, but Amadeus' is a little more complicated than hers anyway. Not that he knows.
He has no stance on the world ending. He's not sure what to think of it.
Amadeus makes no sudden moves. His reactions will always be thought out before they're acted out. He chooses his battles and knows when to say something and when not to. This often means that he's very unsocial, and actually, almost too passive, one of his worst flaws. Even though he says things, he doesn't necessarily do anything to change what he thinks should be changed. Especially here in the city, he doesn't see how he'd have the power to do that.
What Amadeus will do, however, is guard his own honor and defend those he considers close. At the moment, the list is very, very short, but should harm come to any on this list, he almost starts to forget about thinking and acts on instinct. Not that he's a killing/hurting sort of guy (he's an artist, actually, and he only took fencing when it came to sports), but he's very big on the idea of honor.
Not nearly as talkative as Evelynne, Amadeus is still prone to long conversation, as long as he finds it worth his time or at least a little thought-provoking. That and Amadeus-mun seems to like it.
As per Evelynne's post, feel free to ask how Amadeus sees your character. The problem here is that he's not very active [coughAMY-MUNcough], so it's not like he's going to have much to say to most of you. His relationships come down to a very tiny list of...maybe four people.
Just a random throw-in. Amadeus' and Evelynne's usernames are...rather reversed. Evelynne is hardly
unbewildered, while Amadeus is never
impolitical (respectively, "not surprised or shocked" and "without tact or judicious thought"). It's more that the two have switched usernames, except that Evelynne's not that stupid.
Amadeus comes from the same story as Evelynne. There are, of course, the distinctly different things about him that aren't the same as for her.
Namely, that he's technically the protagonist.
polychromatic is basically an opportunity for Evelynne to take the spotlight for once (of course, this has to be kept in mind, I didn't ever intend for Amadeus to show up anyway, so there you go).
The key thing behind Amadeus is that he leads a double life. No, we're not going to explain it. It's very difficult, especially because the legal ends of it are still being sorted out so that I don't have a huge, gaping plothole on my hands anymore.
While Amadeus himself is a very normal person (okay, beyond the fact that his roommate is a woman he's known for twenty years), his day job is actually an executive of a large alternative energy company. For reasons we can't and won't explain here (and don't go asking Evelynne about it), he goes by a different name for this job, and he takes an entirely different persona for it.
I'd explain that. But I really don't want to break anyone's minds. Just ask about it if you have to.
On the off-chance that you do ever run into Amadeus' corporate personality, he's likely to be much more...not stringent, per se. He has a much more authoritative poise and tends to, as one person put it, speak in mandates and commands. He also won't go by the name Amadeus.
Amadeus ended up in the city two weeks after Evelynne. Those two weeks were spent frantically searching for her after her disappearance from the hospital. He was near convinced that she wasn't dead, seeing as dead people don't just vanish from the ICU. He was also very, very skeptical about the credibility of the city when he first came, but honestly, who isn't?
He understands that he was the one who should've ended up dead because of the poisoning fiasco, and to some extent, he feels guilty about it, even though he had no control over the situation. On his first visit to the city, this meant that he felt awkward being around Evelynne again, always bearing in mind that she took a blow for him that she wasn't supposed to.
Despite what Evelynne says about his pasttimes (i.e., checking and rechecking the NYSE), most of what he's doing while here in the city is not his usual work. The two are being pretty damn secretive about it (I mean, come on, do any of you know?), but Amadeus is currently trying to work out who exactly is tailing him back home. We won't discuss who it is. There's only one other person in-game besides Amadeus-mun and myself that knows, and SHE'S NOT SUPPOSED TO KNOW ANYWAY.
So technically, yes, he's a very busy man. Just not busy with what Evelynne claims he's busy with. He's not always indoors like she says either. In fact, most of the time, he's at the square, trying to see what he can with the fountain. It doesn't help much, but one works with what they have.
And sometimes, he'll talk to Dorian. You never know.
Apparently, I forgot to address exit methods.
Amadeus is a businessman of some form, no matter what he might tell you. On their last visit to the city, after Ev finally snapped out of her door-opening, no-Dorian-allowed escape search, he managed to barter two keys out of Dorian. It took a week of legalistic arguing, to put it one way (with a lot of, "The stipulations of the contract for this negotiation were that the second party--" and all that), but eventually, Amadeus cut down Dorian's price from "never fulfilling your aspirations" to "fine, play me a stupid duet, I need some notes."
So after a duet, the two got their ticket out. Of course, finding the right door was another issue, so with the city's distractions in the equation, it took them two weeks to find the right exit. But find it they did. Ev threw a post up in Amadeus' journal using his laptop once they were back home (door opened up in New Jersey or something), and that was that. Or it was supposed to be.
Right now, there's a bit of a conflict between Amadeus and Evelynne, specifically addressing the fact that they should be able to get out the same way they did last time. Amadeus isn't saying something though, and Evelynne's patience, which isn't much anyway, is already thinning out.
Belated Edit.
They made it
out. Not in the most favored way, but they're out.
Subject to change.