stuff i may want to go see

Mar 26, 2005 11:23

ok, i know i haven't been up to date, but what the hell. I was looking around at shows that i want to go see, and i'm going to make a short list of what i want to see. If you would want to go with me to any show, TELL ME! I NEED CONCERT BUDDIES ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

wordtoyourmom17 March 26 2005, 20:46:29 UTC
Holy crap.. I wanna go see Cake and Weezer!

(Don't forget about Dane Cook, foo!)


pippin05rotk March 27 2005, 01:59:46 UTC
YES!! Cake and Weezer!! What was you plan(s) for the concerts, Patrick? One car vs. many cars... day/night trip vs. over night?


impolter March 27 2005, 06:29:49 UTC
i have have places i could stay at peoples houses if i had to, i don't know about anyone eles. it would probably have to be a drive there, then a drive back at night. unless we could get a hotel/motel stay (you have to be 21 to reserve/clam a hotel room in chicago land area) over night. More planing would have to be made....

Everyone, give me ideas, and i'll put it together


pippin05rotk March 27 2005, 20:20:34 UTC
Yeah... if I'm able to go, I wouldn't be any help with the hotel renting thing (since I won't be 21 yet). Depending on what time the concert is, going there and back wouldn't be a bad idea.


cuteartchick509 March 27 2005, 04:16:48 UTC
Phoenix!!! :) I can see if I can go with you - I have to see what day that is of school for me though... ;) I don't know too much of their music, but I'm sure I'll be alright.
Still pissed that I'll be missing Bloc Party... wish I had the van going, then we could drive out there. {Yeah, I would pay for you... haha.}


impolter March 27 2005, 06:31:43 UTC
i have the CD if you want to listen to it.
you know i'm always up for any reason to go to Chicago, we'll talk about it... ;)


xseeramuunx March 27 2005, 17:37:50 UTC
Me gusta Mustard Plug :)


impolter March 27 2005, 18:44:38 UTC
oh yeah, i forgot about Muse @ MSU.... i don't have the info just yet but i know Razorlight is opening for them! tickets go on sale for students only, if you have the hook up, do tell ;) i really want to go see this show.....

and yes i also forgot about Dane Cook, I think i'll have tickets tomarow for that, If Nicole C. friend get them for me..... :)


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