May 06, 2005 01:15

Well kids, I was accepted into Western.... I'm still kind of shocked.... I can't wait to leave Muskegon! but at the same time I'm not sure if I want to go to Western =(.... I kind of wanted to move out to Chicago, like really badly... I realize that WMU is a good school, but it's too close to home I think, and there would be a ton of people I know ( Read more... )

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Comments 3

jbo110 May 6 2005, 09:13:56 UTC
If you want to go to UIC, then go to UIC. Especially if they offer what you want to go into. Just because Wastern accepted you does not mean you have to go. You can turn them down just like the beautiful girls you turn down every day. ::grins::

The most important thing to do is follow your heart. But I can tell you that if you wait until winter to go back to UIC, that'll give you a bit more time to work the money up for it.


cuteartchick509 May 6 2005, 20:52:11 UTC
He turns down beautiful girls everyday? lol. Good boy!!

Wait... I'm not beautiful? *confused*. :)

Baby, go to whichever college you would like to go to. Don't let me living in Chicago be your deciding factor. I'll be around. :)

I'm happy for you... I didn't ever have a doubt in my mind that you would get in. :D


jbo110 May 6 2005, 23:39:19 UTC
lol...I meant other beautiful girls. ;)

And sometimes guys too.

Just kidding.

or am I?!?!


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