I haven't switched with anyone! Are you blind? I've just gone on about how I'm worried about OTHERS being switched, and for good, and in my room. So, are you.. you? Or what?
Oh. Right. Good. I wouldn't want to sound like anyone else.
Perhaps you could buy a pair somewhere, though I suppose fake ones wouldn't be quite the same. I don't know why you would want them anyway; they'd just get in the way, it seems.
True. Unfortunately, very true. That is probably why I've not liked many holidays since coming here. Very unfortunate, though I know it could have been worse in this situation.
I can only imagine the distruction should anybody gain free access to the castle through another's body. We just have to hope everyone is honest about who they are, I suppose.
That's true, though who knows what the side effects might be of switching bodies. Perhaps spouting poetry is one, though I do hope that if it is that it will be better than Malfoy's.
Justin, please be careful what you bring up. God knows that Hannah doesn't need anymore of ideas of entertaining things to do with glitter.
Comments 28
I wish I'd switched with anyone. Preferably a girl. I wonder how it's like to have breasts and I don't know why others get to find out and I don't.
Perhaps you could buy a pair somewhere, though I suppose fake ones wouldn't be quite the same. I don't know why you would want them anyway; they'd just get in the way, it seems.
Are you doing all right? You know, you're still yourself?
I can only imagine the distruction should anybody gain free access to the castle through another's body. We just have to hope everyone is honest about who they are, I suppose.
I imagine next year will likely involve some form of terrifying nightmare glitter beast come to eat us all. Fortunately, we'll be gone by then.
Justin, please be careful what you bring up. God knows that Hannah doesn't need anymore of ideas of entertaining things to do with glitter.
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