Everything here is what you can assume holds true for my baseline canon Jack. Details may change in AU versions, but...
Basic Canon
- All TV episodes are considered canon, though I may pull a "that didn't really happen that way" - usually just for minor details that strike me as just dumb or OOC (Jack's little meltdown in The Stolen Earth, for instance).
- Books I do consider canon: Another Life, Slow Decay, Trace Memory, Pack Animals (yes, even with the flying unicorn)
- Audios considered canon: Lost Souls, Asylum (minus some xenophobic comments), Golden Age (same as "Asylum"), The Dead Line
- Books I don't consider canon: Border Princes, The Twilight Streets
- Captain's Blogs are not part of my canon. Any other DW/Torchwood books or audios with Jack in them can be considered not canon for my Jack as of now because... I haven't read/listened to them yet.
Jack's immortality
He doesn't age at all. The Face of Boe thing? Not Jack. In general, he doesn't need to sleep - however, if he's had to repair major trauma lately, he does tend to sleep a bit, and sometimes he gets lingering pain from whatever happened before (getting shot in the head gives him nasty headaches for a few days). The time it takes for him to come back from death depends on the level of trauma sustained, and even without dying, he heals much faster than any human would.
Minor cuts and bruises take less than a minute - if you manage to take off a limb, that's going to take a good while longer. He does not get sick, as the Vortex energy inside him burns out any sickness before it actually gets around to infecting him - poisons usually get burnt out by the same process unless they act extremely quickly. He can bring the recently dead back to life as in Cyberwoman, however, he has to have died recently enough that there's still a ton of Vortex energy in his body, and it requires very close contact - in this case, kissing is more useful than CPR. Jack hasn't really worked that out, though; for all he knows, Ianto wasn't dead, just unconscious.
Jack's childhood
Jack doesn't remember much of his childhood - the thing with Gray did happen, obviously, but much of the memories shown in "Adam" were constructed by Adam. Jack doesn't actually remember even the name he had as a child. This memory loss is probably related to the two years the Agency took from him.
Jack's two missing years
I honestly haven't worked out an explanation for them yet. I know, I fail. *Facepalm* Chances are, Hart doesn't know much more about it than Jack does, and any remaining records may have been lost with the fall of the Time Agency. Or maybe one of those remaining seven former Time Agents does know something after all...
Jack's time with the Doctor
Jack travelled with the Doctor and Rose for six months, give or take - it's a little hard to keep track when you're bouncing through all of time and space. He was madly in love with both the Doctor and Rose. He did have sex with Rose, but not with the Doctor.
Pre-21st century
Refer to
this tag and
this one. Any fic there can be considered canon for pretty much any of my Jacks, unless marked specifically AU.
Any questions about my Jack? Ask 'em here, I'll answer. ^^