
May 25, 2005 11:44

so i finally registered for classes today, cause bannerweb has been down for awhile. it sucks knowing that i actually registered for really interesting classes and i don't even know if i can take them yet. also i don't know if i bit off more than i can chew, but it's only like 12.5 credits so it shouldn't be awful.

tentative schedule is:

monday ( Read more... )

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Comments 6

impossibles May 25 2005, 09:02:03 UTC
fit for life I
8:10-9:00 AM.
[august 29-october 17]

bah for concurrent classes.


bigdaddylou71 May 25 2005, 14:46:23 UTC
i was about to say... it doesn't seem possible to not have a wednesday class


impossibles May 25 2005, 15:47:39 UTC
it was almost possible, until i realized i couldnt take one FFL class without the other. what a dumbass rule.


amyjuneblue May 25 2005, 17:26:28 UTC
Intro to Lit.. Rosso is such a great prof! I had him this semester for Major British Authors 2. He could get really good discussions going and he's a funny guy.
And I think we'll be in the same Fit For Life EXS course too.


ithrewthemtosea May 25 2005, 19:07:56 UTC
yeah i still havent registered.


_dream_girl_ May 27 2005, 04:58:50 UTC
hey girl* im a junior at SCSU - Livin in the Townhouses!

Add me! :)


Btw...How media Means with Wes was a good class-a bit confusin but alright, let me kno if u need any help!


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