
Aug 20, 2009 01:59

So, basically, I finally figured out how to make my scanner work again. And obviously no one will exactly care, but. Whatever. Art!

This may or may not be Ryan Ross. You tell me. Idk.

This is Ryan Ross! From that interview with Jmont, I believe, a while back, where he was all "I'm always the bad guy." Poor bb. He wasn't meant to look quite that crazy. Oh well!

Baby!Brendon at his first practice with Panic! Before he did the Gollum impression, methinks.

Mr. Spencer James Smith (the fifth?!). More recent timewise, I guess? He is SO out of proportion, it's not even funny. And he only has one arm. And his hips just could not be captured, unsurprisingly. <3 Spencer.

None of these were actually done with reference pics, if that makes their horrendousness any better...

Also! Where is the Jwalk? I do not know. I don't draw him without reference pics, or much with them, I'm not sure why. ilyjonny.

This is a heart. It kind of looks like a vegetable. Yum?

I don't even know. THis is a few drawings accidentuially merged through sketchbookness. I kind of hate it?

Study of hands for AP art. Handtree?

Some sort of plastic fruit. Done for my terrible boring art class.

Idk. The day after I did this, I finished The Lathe of Heavan, by Ursala K. Le Guin, which I thought was addly coincidential, or possibly just magic, because it comes close to closing with the image of the turtle-aliens in the sea, looking at the humans, in an aquarium.

Ink and shpere study for my stupid boring art class. I kind of like it.

A random face. It looks a little bit like Amanda Palmer. Maybe? If you squint? But it's really just some girl in a UofM residential college packet thing.

Ink drawing for my AP art summer assignment. The head of the girl, the head of the bird, and the bird's left leg were all done by people other than me, printed, cut out, and pasted onto the paper. I worked from there.

And the boring you all with art part is over now! If you look at it (and comment) it will make me haaapppyyy....

bandom art, ryan ross, fan art, art, spencer smith, brendon urie, bandom

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