Sleeps under ladders, and lives with black cats...

Oct 13, 2009 23:36

So. The Young Veins released the polished up version of Change, and announced that their new album shall be titled "Take a Vacation." I really like the album title. Not a huge fan of the changes made to Change: I don't dislike it, really, and it's not all that different, but I'm not excited. I dunno, at this point I don't so much care about it, which is kind of weird and unnerving. Maybe it's because I'm pretty swamped and am excited/nervous about the campaign instead of bandom lately? Or possibly Spencer and Brendon have taken over my brain, and MCR is coming back, and there's not a lot of room for TYV. Whatever the reason, I'm not freaking out, nor am I ecstatic or wearing a tinhat or anything. Who knows.

My brother's band, Leech Life, has posted a few videos to youtube, with decent sound quality. I think. I haven't so much listened...anyway.

image Click to view

Evan (my brother) is the ridiculous lanky guitarist on the left. The one who looks like he thinks he's a huge rockstar in some bigass arena. Whatever, he's a decent guitarist, and I like Leech Life a lot. They have a myspace and a facebook! I think.

More importantly, there are less than 21 days until election day. Which means we have about 20 days to identify over 5,000 YES voters in order to meet our goal. We don't really need to meet our goal, I don't think, but it'd be nice. Hopefully, I'll be canvassing/data entry-ing/phone banking/in-person-volunteer-recruiting lots over the next few weeks, but it'd be great if I could find some way to get more people to help. I know that, with the exception of Emily, no one who reads my LJ has probably ever been to Kalamazoo, but check out anyway, and see if there's anything you can do to help us out. Donate a dollar online! We'll love you forever! (I feel kind of ridiculous).

If you are reading this and have no idea what I'm talking about, I've been working with One Kalamazoo on the campaign to pass ordinance 1856/the non-discrimination ordinance in Kalamazoo, MI. At this point, in Kalamazoo, it's completely legal to fire, evict, or deny someone public services simply because of their gender identity and/or sexual orientation. If the ordinance passes, gay and transgender people will have exactly the same protections as everyone else. Like, "gender-identity" and "sexual orientation" will be added to the list of things, such as race and actual gender, that you can't discriminate against people for. The Opposition has been spreading complete and utter bullshit, propaganda about how the ordinance being passed will lead to men dressed up as women sneaking into women's bathrooms and raping little girls. Yeah, I don't get it either. It's really fucking infuriating. They actually printed a flier in which they attack four or 6 gay/trans/crossdressing Kalamazoo residents, and I want to kill them with my bare hands.

We know that Kalamazoo is mostly a liberal city, but we have more Republicans who bother to vote on off-years, and a lot of people believe the propaganda, or are confused. As said, we only have 20ish days left, so I'm trying to draw attention to this in any way possible. If anyone who reads this would please check out, and maybe direct some friends to the site, or donate a buck, or something, that would be amazing. If not, that's totally fine, but wish me --us-- luck, mmkay?

*nerves and excitement*

I tried posting fundraising videos? But it didn't work, whatever. guys!

one kalamazoo, real life, canvassing, bandom

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