Title: Building a Home (Part 6/8)
Rating: T
Pairings: Reid/Hotch (established relationship)
Characters (entire story): Reid, Hotch, Jack, Jessica, Garcia, Morgan, Prentiss, Rossi, and JJ
Characters (this part): Hotch, Reid, Jack, Garcia, Morgan, Prentiss, Rossi, and JJ
Disclaimer: Criminal Minds is not mine. Neither is the game Hungry, Hungry Hippos.
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Comments 24
I love when the team finds stuff out that they aren't supposed to and then make fun of it.
And, aww, love how Jack got jealous and protective! Like father, like son. And I really like the detail of the team being shocked by someone listening to Spencer and responding, which would reduce his anxiety enough to allow him to have a normal conversation. Oh, and that little chastisement that Hotch got in, “I think it’s what’s referred to ‘having a conversation,'" that was excellent.
Last thing, I loved JJ's very quiet understanding of Jack, it was very spot-on for her. :)
I have so much love for this chapter (and whole story, really) that I don't even know where to start.
The teasing team! Jack defending Spencer from Morgan! (OMG, I loved that soooooooo much! Especially since it ties into Jack's opinion that the kids who interrupted Spencer were 'stupid and mean'.) "'Having a conversation.'" (I LOVE snarky Hotch when he's not being obviously snarky, but he really kind of is.) The 'revenge' of Hungry, Hungry Hippos (setting the team up against a ruthless six year old is just brilliant!)
And the kiss! OMG, THE KISS!!!!! So, so sweet and hot and wonderful.
Loved the appearance of JJ. Loved sneaky Garcia. Loved the teasing yet obviously affectionate team. And LOVED that Jack went from being afraid of Spencer to being a staunch protector.
This? Was made of so much win.
Okay, I'm done gushing now.
Love this story and it´s realistic interaction between the BAUteam and ofcourse Jack..
-Lorelai(lurker and new in fandom)
Look forward to more.
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