[01]. Your name: Jennifer
[02]. Your age: 16
[03]. Your location: don’t remind me I live in Florida
[04]. Your hobbies: Painting, photography, music, hanging out with my friends. Hair…cutting it coloring it styling…
[05]. Your top fifteen bands: Lets see
.1. Nirvana
2. Silverchair.
3. Deftones.
5. Tool/a perfect circle… I consider it the same…
6. AFI
7. My chemical romance
8. Bjork
9. THE CURE!!!!!
10. Pink Floyd
11. Stabbing westward
12. The faint
13. Radiohead
14. Atreyu
15. Orgy
[06]. Your top ten movies:
1. Fightclub
2. The matrix series
3. The lord of the rings series.
4. Garden state
5. Napolean Dynomite…funny shit
6. Spiderman was sweet….1 and 2
7. Donnie Darko
8. Pirates of the carribean
9. Gone in 60 seconds
10. Gladiator…and troy…
[07]. Your top five books:
1. Harry potter
2. Green eggs and ham
3. Hop on pop
4. Are you my mother?
5. The Lord of the Rings
…I don’t like being told what to read…so I read what I please when I want to
[08]. Your favorite place to be and why: That is an interesting question for me. I love my friends and being around them so where ever we are is good. I love laying in bed next to people and talking.
[09]. Your favorite tv shows: I absolutely love the O.C. I need to go through rehab for it. No joke. I twitch and run around my house when it is like 5 minutes till. For seriously
[10]. If you could spend just one day with someone living, dead, animated, or famous who would it be and why: Brandon Boyd…for a few reasons..
a) He’s basically my dream guy…ever.
b) Has perfect hair.
c) Extremely talented in art
d) Can write poetry like no other.
e) * drools *
f) I would want him to be my model so I could take oodles of pictures of him in black and white.
g) One of the voices that inspire me…along with Cobain…
h) So he could sing me to sleep
i) Give me advice on all things art/music
j) Draw me some wicked tattoos to get
[11]. Who is your role model and why: I don’t have one. Its just a lot of people that influence different parts of my life. I could walk down the street and see someone do something nice and that’s might inspire me to do something later that day. Just all different kinds of things I suppose
[12]. What is your favorite lyric from a song and why: I’m weary of eyes upon my scars////love is a verb here in my room.
[13]. If you could pick one song to describe your life, what would it be and why: impossible. I have too many Highs and lows in my life to possible describe it…no I’m not a depressed child. Just my family is crazy.
[14]. What do you like most about yourself and why: My eyes, my hair, and skin?
[15]. What do you like least about yourself and why: my fat…umm scars?
[16]. Humor us. Tell us a joke: I’m the kinda person that is funny haha in person. And umm did I mention A REALLY BAD STORY TELLER!/ joke umm yeah I’ll tell you something funny about my crazy life… about 9 ducks found their home in my front yard right by my car b/c I feed them cheerios so that they will get out form under my car so I don’t’ kill them when I back out. Don’t ask me how it happened. I don’t’ know but if you put a laser pointer in the middle of them they fly away. Its kinda funny.
[17]. Whore the community and give the link: [18]. Why do you think you're rad: All my life I was the girl that made everyone laugh and feel special. I’m way awesome…so I’ve been told * ahem * I can’t really say why I am rad but I CAN say that people see something in me that is way rad.
[19]. Give us an ego boost. Who's your favorite mod and why: HOW COULD I EVER PICK ONE!?!?!?!?!?! I would find it so difficult being that you all are so AWESOME!
[20]. Post a 100x100 for our MEMBERS LIST:
[21]. Post some pictures of yourself:
And what are your opinions on..
[01]. Abortion: every women has the choice to either bring a child into this world or not. Rape…bad…get an abortion. You don’t know what the guy could’ve had and I know I wouldn’t want to bring a child into this world with AIDS and have it die in pain and not have a good life. If you know you can support the child and all is swell. Have the baby. But by no means do I think it should be used as a form or birth control. Ever.
[02]. Same sex marriages: do it. Love is love is love. Nothing should stop that. I see nothing wrong with it.
[03]. Straight edge: Not my cup of tea. But that doesn’t mean I’m out doing drugs. I may drink once in a while but not drugs. I know people who have had their lives ruined. To be frank. I’m scurrd!!!
[04]. War: Well this war? Lets see. Bush wanted to go after sadam to avenge his dad. He pissed away a shit load of money for nothing. Killed our men. And am I supposed to be happy? I think not. BUT I do believe war is good in the long run…unless of course you lose. But think about it. that’s how we have the languages we have today. The cultures we have. Everything we have today happened by someone winning and someone losing. So YAY war? I don’t think there is a right or wrong answer. But we shouldn’t be in Iraq right now.
[05]. Suicide: Haven’t attempted it. Knew people who have succeeded. I don’t’ think that its right.. Everyone has someone. And if not. I’ll be your someone. It’s a shame to see life ended like that.
[06]. Smoking/Drugs/Alcohol: well ciggs…bad for you but I will smoke one if I am around everyone a crowd of people that is smoking so at least I have a flippin filter. But by no means am I addicted. Its like one every 6 months? Haven’t done drugs. I have friends who do them. All I ask is for them to be responsible. And alcohol. Be responsible…its fun I admit. But I don’t go out and abuse it.
[07]. President Bush: IDIOT! I mean…no wait..i was right. IDIOT! Its like he doesn’t understand the effects of his actions. I pray he doesn’t get us into something horrible…such as…another world war .If he were to be elected again. I would cry. But I am too young to vote. So I ask please if you can vote. Do vote for something! Plus the bastard doesn’t support the arts!
[08]. Labels: I find them kinda handy. That way I know what I’m eating and drink and what is in what I am eating and drinking. I’m playing…lets see. Everyone is going to lable someone or something. Its natural. Its not even in the whole “goth, metal punk prep” thing…look at a girl. You might think she’s easy. Or smart or nerdy. Or anything! You label naturally. But I think basing your friendships or boy/girl friends on a label is very immature and you should grow up and realize that not everyone is what they wear or listen to or who they hang out with.
[09]. Posers: I was never into calling someone a poser. I do believe however that if you can’t seem to find yourself…such as oh I’m so punk today lets go “OI” and then the next day. Completely deny that you have ever liked another genre. Let me dummy this down. I will say you need to figure it out if you change constantly to fit the idea of the people around you.
[10]. Rating communities: FUN! I’ve been in enough to know what its all about. I am honest and active and I’ll whore like its going out of style. I don’t bitch if someone calls me ugly I don’t really let internet people ruin my day.3
i know its long and i thank you for your time.
♥ Jen