[01]. Your name: Amanda.
[02]. Your age: 15, but oh so close to 16.
[03]. Your location: Georgia
[04]. Your hobbies: I have an obsessive overeating problem. I do a lot of HTML code for Lj (which is really lame) and then I sit around and think of witty things to say.
[05]. Your top fifteen bands:
1. The Eagles
2. Alice Cooper
3. Fleetwood mac
4. 38 special
5. Brand New
6. Joe Walsh
8. Lynard Skinnard
9. Dashboard confessional
10. Tom Petty
11. Rascal Flatts
12. Aerosmith
13. Billy Joel
14. Elton John
15. Collective Soul
[06]. Your top ten movies:
1. Donnia Darko
2. Homeroom
3. Elephant
4. Thirteen
5. SLC punk
6. Now and Then
7. The lords of discipline
8. A league of their own
9. Bang bang your dead
10. Romeo and juliet
[07]. Your top five books:
1. Hitchiker's guide to the galaxy
2. When dad killed mom
3. You don't know me
4. If.. (my big book of questions, it helps when conversation gets lame)
5. My diary ( i know, how lame. but it's true.)
[08]. Your favorite place to be and why:
If I could pick any place I could lay for hours it would be the front sign in my friends neighborhood. It's on a major road in the town I live in and I love laying in the grass and watching the cars go by.
[09]. Your favorite tv shows: I hate Tv. But when I watch it. Gilmore Girls.
[10]. If you could spend just one day with someone living, dead, animated, or famous who would it be and why: I would like to spend a day with someone who genuinely hates me. Deep down I want to know what everyone thinks of me just so I can try to correct them. Or atleast explain myself to someone who really doesn't know me.
[11]. Who is your role model and why: I honestly don't have a role model. I've never really looked up to anyone unless they were taller than me.
[12]. What is your favorite lyric from a song and why: "can you teach me how to dance real slow" - billy joel. iono it's just the way he sings it.
[13]. If you could pick one song to describe your life, what would it be and why: Probably "I go back" by kenny chesney. Cause I know a lot of songs give me deja vu.
[14]. What do you like most about yourself and why:I like my eyes. I dunno why I think it's because they aren't really brown and they aren't really green. And I also like my sarcasm.. even though it pisses people off.
[15]. What do you like least about yourself and why: I hate how emotional I am. Like alot of times I'll cry for no reason. and then I hate how I can never
[16]. Humor us. Tell us a joke:
[17]. Whore the community and give the link:
Whore'n this[18]. Why do you think you're rad: Umm. I don't bullshit or sugarcoat things, alot of people like that about me, a lot of people don't.
[19]. Give us an ego boost. Who's your favorite mod and why: STEPHANIE!!!
[20]. Post a 100x100 for our MEMBERS LIST:
I think this is about 100X100. By photoeditor is screwing with my head tonight.
[21]. Post some pictures of yourself:
And what are your opinions on..
[01]. Abortion: Under certain circumstances I believe it should be accepted. Unless you know the person who is commiting the act's situation you shouldn't judge. I believe if you are raped then you should have the choice to abort it, give it up for adoption or keep it. Also if the baby endangers the mother's life then it should be accepted. Also if the baby shows signs of not leading a normal life or dying at an early age then it's better off in heaven anyhow.
[02]. Same sex marriages: Honestly I am fine with it. I just don't understand why people need to put a label on love such as "marriage". If you really love eachother why do you need a piece of paper to prove it.
[03]. Straight edge: I think Straight edge is great incentive to do the right thing. I understand why people would label themeselves this, It's kind of like " don't bother offering me anything, I'm XsXeX"
[04]. War: I think war could be avoided if we didn't interfer with other countries business. But in cases where they are threatening our safety I find war to somewhat be unavoidable.
[05]. Suicide: I think if you absolutely do not want to live it is unfair to continue living. But I myself wouldn't do it.
[06]. Smoking/Drugs/Alcohol: I think if you need an aid in having fun, your not really living. The best times I have ever had have been while I was completely and totally sober (although I've never been drunk, stoned, wasted, ect;) But if you need something to help you live life to the fullest, your not really living.
[07]. President Bush: He's obviously doing something right, he got re-elected.
[08]. Labels: Labels are a part of life, in high school, in the working world. It's something that is completely unavoidable so I think we might as well live with them.
[09]. Posers: Poser is a tough thing to define. What might be posing to one person may not be the case to another. If one lies about something to be cool, that's just lame.
[10]. Rating communities: Rating communities are great; until you get rejected. Then you hate em'.