Oct 19, 2007 09:56
Actual fandom related info: Things I like: characterization > plot. If someone's out of character, I can't read it. I'm not a big fan of crossovers. I don't RP, although I tried; I think it's a bit of a time-suck and I've never seen good fic come from it.
I haven't read much fic in a while, lately, so it's hard to say what I like and what I don't. I have some friends who write original stuff, and I read theirs, and I write my original fic. The last fanfic I wrote is on y-gallery and should be public in the depths of this journal; I wrote some Metalocalypse fic, slash and a piece speculating on the nature of the Sumerian prophecy that's barely been touched in canon.
I took place in a zombie blogging event on another journal, writing as if I was a priest in a rural place. But not a very good priest. I like 'em better that way. I have had serious debates on whether Caleb (Buffy) or Brother Justin (Carnivale) is more awesome. These have not gone well since everyone says 'But he's the Kurgan! He wins by default!'
Since there isn't much public in this journal to browse, I feel like I should give you some random trivia:
1. I don't actually like movies as much as my public posts may indicate. I just feel like they're more public, and thus I can leave them out in public.
2. I hate House of Leaves. I have never read 'chick lit' and never will. One of the coolest books I read recently involved two messed up priests, a lot of sex, some magical realism, and was half written in Jamaican. I like HP Lovecraft, some Stephen King (Cell had potential and fell dead flat), and lately I've been on a Moorcock kick.
3. That's a name, I'm not a sex fiend.
3.5. Not that I'll say no.
3.75. Okay, I say 'no thank you' to anything involving functions best done alone in a bathroom, or pregnancy (exception is made for anything Rosemary's Baby-like.) But anything else goes.
4. But above all, have fun.
5. Five is a lucky number of mine, and four isn't. So you get a fifth point.