1- I was born in Houston, Texas
2- Im obsessed with soccer (since age 5)
3- And snowboarding
4- I spend too much money
5- iM left-handed
6- My passion is exotic cars. I love everything about them and enjoy spewing out random facts.
7- I know how to drive a motorcycle (shhh. It’s a secret!)
8- I miss Costa Rica 24/7
9- I was in 7th grade when I got my first real kiss
10- I don’t like serious relationships
11- But I want one
12- I love having crushes
13- People say I flirt too much
14- And giggle a lot
15- I get lost easily. Even with directions. (when im driving)
16- I love going to Disneyland, esp with Katie and laura
17- My bro and I have gotten really close this year
18- I can tell him almost nething.
19- My moms gone psycho….mid life crisis
20- Im “daddy’s little princess”….quite literally
21- People think I’m dumber than I actually am
22- I love attention
23- Im a drama queen sometimes…im trying to quit!
24- I love to dance (black ppl music!)
25- I love rap, r&b, hip hop….even tho my friends hate it
26- I enjoy pretending to be black with Katie in the benz
27- I love singing in the car
28- I want to travel the world
29- I like doing ‘crafty things’, even tho I can’t do them very well
30- Im obsessed with munchy wunchies (BAKER!!)
31- I am absolutely determined to become fluent in Spanish
32- Im very insecure about myself
33- Especially my weight
34- But I try not to show it….most of the time
35- I hooked up with my friends ex-boyfriend
36- I love getting dressed up
37- People tell me im very loud
38- If I want something, I go for it
39- I have no problem making an ass outta myself for entertainment purposes
40- When I was in preschool, I got married about 20 times to the same guy and divorced him 19 times when he wouldn’t push me on the swings, etc.
41- I love photography
42- I like shiny objects
43- I like being spontaneous
44- I like football
45- Sometimes im too ‘open’ with people
46- Sometimes id rather hang out with guys, it’s more fun
47- I love seeing scary movies, but when things jump out it scares me to death!
48- I love cuddling
49- I love wearing sweats, but I never wear them in public
50- Sometimes Im too lazy in school
51- I love frozen grapes
52- I want to ‘travel abroad’ to costa rica, italy, or spain
53- I love African American guys
54- I can be very sarcastic
55- I want a SL55 AMG or SL600
56- Or a dodge ram SRT-10 (blackkk!)
57- I love being in charge
58- Or on top ;)
59- Sometimes I feel like people don’t understand me, and then I realize that sometimes they do
60- I love the color pink
61- My camp name is ‘munchkin’
62- I hooked up with my best guy friend…and no one ever will kno who it is / his name
63- I’ve had this stuffed animal dolphin named “dolphie” since I was two. I slept with it till I was 12 (I used instead of a pillow)…now he sits above my bed
64- Katie is obsessed with my cleaning lady, Antonia
65- Im obsessed with trader joe’s
66- I want to move to costa rica for a while
67- I want to have two children
68- I want them to experience both life in Los Angeles and Los Angeles de Paramo (costa rica)
69- Katie McAvoy and I are very creative. We can come up with ways to entertain ourselves ANYWHERE ANYTIME
70- (o) (o)
71- Only one person will understand that
72- I have a secret. Actually, many.
73- I love chocolate bananananana’s
74- And peter pan
75- I love grilled cheese and chocolate milk
76- If I fell off my bed…it would hurt…a lot
77- Crayons and finger-painting remind me of childhood
78- I’ve been to Hawaii too many times
79- I kissed a Puerto Rican boy…family friend
80- I have an entire drawer in my closet devoted to “memory items”….when I look back at them, I am reminded of that ‘event’
81- I save my movie ticket stubs and airplane tickets
82- I’ve had a crush on only ONE Hispanic guy and ONE asian guy…kinda weird?
83- I love stickers
84- I like baked apple pies from McDonalds…aka. Treaties
85- I was a really cute baby
86- I once bought condoms from target and got weird looks from an old lady…so I asked her if she had a preference…and she glared at me
87- I like pumping the ‘condiments’ at topz with Stacey
88- So far, I’ve never gotten into a major fight with my best friend since 3rd grade
89- But she wants to fork me
90- I enjoy random hookups when im bored
91- I love my cell phone…probably too much
92- Im picky about the type of pen I use at school
93- I hate pencils
94- The smell of christimas trees always puts me in a good mood
95- I love slurpees
96- I like renting movies
97- Wendy’s is my favorite fast food
98- I miss him
99- A lot
100- I like driving stick shift a lot…it surprises a lot of people that I know how to drive it!
101 - I love these pink shorts I have
102- Even tho kt/laura/lissa call them my “whore shorts
103- My best friend is a ministers daughter (HAHA!)
104- My best friend lied to a 6 yr old…”there’s no drops on splash mountain…”
105- I used to be a band dork…middle school
106- I want a german shepherd
107- Im obsessed with the OC
108- And Real World
109- I have an empty picture frame. It’s empty for a reason.
110- I drive too fast
111- I try not to regret things or live in the past
112- I can be very stubborn
113- If you actually read all of these, wow. Please tell me!
114- I’ve read every single one of everyone I kno who’s posted them
115- I love watching ‘dumb’ movies with my friends…aka. ‘THE CHALLENGE’ w/ marykate and Ashley
116- I use the word “LoL” too much online
117- I say “OMG” too much
118- I have two completely different groups of friends
119- My friend CJ has turned every happy face “dirty”…I can’t look at them the same way again
120- I love the beach
121- I love two piece bathing suits
122- But im self conscious as hell when im in one
123- I’ve never dated/hooked up with a guy from ‘nade
124- I love dancing in the rain
125- I love purple pails
126- I love strawberry milkshakes
127- I love want a hooters shirt
128- Right now, im wearing socks from Alaska
129- My favorite memory: talking at the beach
130- I still remember my first kiss with him.
131- People think im always happy
132- To me, water tastes different in a bottle than in a glass
133- My mom doesn’t trust me
134- And I don’t like painting my fingernails
135- Yet my toes are always painted
136- People think I wear too much make-up
137- I don’t think I wear enough
138- I have a weird love for Victoria’s Secret
139- I have no problem dropping $100 for a pair of pants
140- It takes a while for me to let go
141- I love reminiscing, but I don’t let the past affect my life now
142- My friends call me Dick Cheney…DickyWicky for short
143- They also call me “Shaniquah”
144- Sometimes I spend too much time “wishing for this” “wishing for that”
145- But im happy with myself and who I am, even tho I may not show it sometimes
146- I smile a lot
147- I’m half Persian
148- I love shooting (guns!)…my favorite are handguns (the glock! From james bond…)….blame my ‘texas’ side
149- I have a very ‘visual’ memory…like. If im remembering something that happened in the past…I can remember specific details, like the color shirt they were wearing…etc.
150- I love secrets.