so why are cheesy love songs starting to make sense to me? errr. lammme. and i keep listening to them too! IM SO FUCKING GAY. anyway. craig and i talked today. we are better. i kissed him today at coney. dont ask me why, i just was feeling it. im so wierd sometimes. dating is way to stressful for me. i dont like change, or wierd new feelings. im so
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Comments 1
if you arent sure if you want to be with craig, you have two options: 1. wait and see if you get sure, or 2. forget him and find someone truly worthy of you. look at the people who are telling you to hook up with him. look at their dating histories. look at the fact that they use the term "hook up" instead of "date". things that are not ok. other things that are not ok? cocaine habits, unibrows, and taking dick up the ass. make a list.
lata playaaaaa
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