
Apr 23, 2005 01:59

I spend way too much time organizing my mp3s. I have to make sure the ID3 tags are correct and filled out as thoroughly as possible ( Read more... )

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Comments 8

youwanttoknow April 23 2005, 17:39:53 UTC
wait a seconds doesnt qaf suck!!!!? isnt it full of FAGZ?

i have to go wax my chest


imsorrygrandma April 23 2005, 19:17:21 UTC
don't forget to shave your balls.


youwanttoknow April 24 2005, 17:45:24 UTC
ive learned from that mistake


imsorrygrandma April 24 2005, 17:56:26 UTC
as have I.


grrr_betsy April 24 2005, 23:11:25 UTC
do you use musicbrainz tagger tool? that helps with the id3 tags a lot.


imsorrygrandma April 25 2005, 00:18:43 UTC
I had a program that came with the ripping software I downloaded, but it was just a trial version.
What's this musicbrainz? I must know more. I'll look on download.com.


grrr_betsy April 25 2005, 00:52:32 UTC
they have their own website. it's like musicbrainz.net or something


imsorrygrandma April 25 2005, 10:55:34 UTC
I got it. Now I have to figure it out. Thanks for the info.


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