I'M SO ABSOLUTELY PISSED. I FUCKING HATE WORK. I can't do ANYTHING having to do with the PA players, not even stage crew or anything!!! I work every fuckin day and now I'm pissed. I wanna scream!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! call me. anyone call me, for the love of god, I don't care who you are CALL ME! I need help. 434-4861 Plum
Friends Music Major bad hair dos due to wind! Hot staff memebers Fried Dough Pictures
OHhhh good times, good tiems, I love EVERYONE, thanks for inviting me, pictures came out ok...I'l put them on later, I need to shower now. My love to all my friends...
School is just dandy with me. Maybe, JUST MAYBE Canobie tomorrow after school, I need a ride from work to the church??? Anyone??? Help? Sarah needs a ride to church HELP PLEEEEEEEEEASE. Call me if you can 434-4861.
WHOOOOOOOOOOOOOOA WE'RE HALF WAY THERE WHOOOOOOOA LIVIN ON A PRAYER! BON JOVI!!!! Oh sassy man number 315 of sarah's hot guys list.