my friend's dad bought a ton of land in michigan recently and it's all wooded so we are going to go camping all the time!
I actually have a funny story about camping. In the freshman faces book here at Miami under interests I put music, guitar and something else. and when it arrived at my doorstep all it said under my picture was "camping." I have no clue why or how it happened. Needless to say my roommate was a little apprehensious about meeting me, because aparently all i liked was camping. I didn't really care, it was a good way to break the ice, plus camping rules anyway!
outdoorsy people are a little insane to begin with. you should dress up in a loin cloth and bring a bunch of raw meat to school next year if you have the same roomate and really freak him out and say you lived with wolves over the summer
actually he moved back to tennessee and goes to school in nashville or something. but i should do it anyway and make all the people in my house wonder why they wanted to room with me.
Comments 7
my friend's dad bought a ton of land in michigan recently and it's all wooded so we are going to go camping all the time!
I actually have a funny story about camping. In the freshman faces book here at Miami under interests I put music, guitar and something else. and when it arrived at my doorstep all it said under my picture was "camping." I have no clue why or how it happened. Needless to say my roommate was a little apprehensious about meeting me, because aparently all i liked was camping. I didn't really care, it was a good way to break the ice, plus camping rules anyway!
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