I hate my life so much. That...that...how dare he.
[That asshole. Who the fuck does he think he is, my father?! ...Yeah, he does. He's violent like him, too.
I think my jaw's broken, but I don't wanna go to the hospital. If I weren't so weak, I'd hit him back. I may even kill him. And Kaiba, if he weren't so damn powerful. Why in the hell would he just hack through my entries?!
Who the hell does he think he is to just barge in in my affairs and then hit me for it?! I know he's Yuugi-kun's best friend. But this is bullshit. He's just a bully like Mazaki and Ryou. I never meant to hurt Yuugi-kun, I swear. But to just dictate our relationship?! What an ass.
I don't wanna go along with this thing. But he'll just hurt me again if I don't. Just why does everything work against me?!
Fuck this. Maybe I'll just break up with him. I've hurt Yuugi-kun too much. I can't even hold a decent acquaintanceship with someone else. I'm totally screwed. Maybe I am meant to be left alone.
I just hope he doesn't find out that I've been breaking his promise. Blood stains are so hard to get out, and my arm hurts...]