last night was amazin! im not going to drown on as i usually do, recalling everything that happened, all i kno sis drove me there had an awsome time eric is my new best friend not to be mistaken with my BFFL or kyle yocum, but him and i perfected our hxc dances and our two steps, fun!
in the writing center, bored this weekend was alrite, kinda boring, and sad, i am doing my homework now, who wants to do something next weekend? no? alrite. well see all of you later,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,
ive alwys wanted to say that i was in the library typing this, and i was in there, but i didnt type this then today was cool, im really excitied cuz im leaving soon, i know i know you will all miss me. im pretty bored now, im trying to pick a fight with my sisters, but it wont workk, w/e peace,