caution: extreme sign of boredom

Jan 27, 2005 18:05

My Name Is- Anna Catherine Owen "Anna Boo" <---gangster name.
In The Morning I- wake up, brush my teeth, use the restroom.
All I Need Is- my relationship with God.
Love Is- and extreme feeling you have for people.
I'm Afraid Of- clowns, spiders, 18 wheelers, having an unhealthy baby, a porn watching boyfriend. GAWSH.
I Dream About- very very very weird things.

Current Clothes- blue pajama pants, my long john shirt, and my "skiing" socks. im so warm.
Current Mood- content.
Current Music- Who Am I? by Casting Crowns.
Current Taste- Cucumber...cept that doesn't really have an aftertaste.
Current Hair Color- light brown.
Current Annoyance- not really anything right now.
Current Smell- cold air.
Current Favorite Solo Artist- Jessica Simpson.
Current Desktop Picture- a fall setting. i need to find a winter one.
Current Favorite Band(s)- Casting Crowns, N*sync will always rule, Promise the Ghost of freakin course, etc etc etc..
Current Book You're Reading- A Child Called "IT" i've read that so many times.
Current CD In CD Player- Casting Crowns.
Current Worry- what i will be doing tomorrow night. lol.

You Touched- probably Shae. b/c a hit her arm in Mrs. Metcalf's class.
You Talked To- my mother. just now.
You Hugged- wow. probably uhm. Brett.
You IMed- Heather Lay.
You Yelled At- my mom.
You Kissed- Matthew Haze.
You Talked To On The Phone- Seth.
You Laughed With- Matt Metcalf, Andrew, and Nic.
You Said "Bye" To- Seth, on the phone.
You Said "I Love You" To- Matthew Haze.

Food- cucumbers!!!
Drink- diet coke and water.
Shoes- tennis shoes baby.
Candy- runts.
Animal- little bitty puppy dogs, cow, and baby monkeys. they are so cute.
TV Show- Laguna Beach (cant wait for it to come back), Friends, Newlyweds, etc.
Song- Casting Crowns "Who Am I?"
Vegetable- cucumbers are a vegetable.
Fruit- strawberries.

Kill- nobody!....
Slap- porn
Get Really Wasted With- max and stephanie...oh wait...already tried that. jest keeding! i dont drink anymore. NEXT!
Get High With- Snoop Dogg. i dont smoke mara-jew-wona..
Talk To Offline- Matthew Haze.
Talk To Online- i do not know?
"Do It" With- that is absolutely terrible...
What Do You Notice First- sense of humor, and the way they treat people.
Last Person You Slow Danced With- wow. uhm. prom last year with Matt.

Worst Question To Ask- to a girl...why do you look so bad? to a guy....why do you look so scrawny/fat?

Makes You Laugh The Most- Matthew Haze, Brett, Matthew Fox, Crowe, and Buddy the Elf. haha.
Makes You Smile The Most- Matthew Haze and Crowe.
Gives You A Funny Feeling When You See Them- i don't get those funny feelings alot anymore..
Do You Have A Crush On- nobody.
Has A Crush On You- probably nobody.
Is Easiest To Talk To- God of course, Matthew Haze, and Matthew Fox.

Sit On The Internet All Night Waiting For Someone Special To IM You- definitly not.
Save AOL/AIM Conversations- definitly not.
Wish You Were A Member Of The Opposite Sex- once a month, sometimes..

Cried Because Of Someone Saying Something To You- yes. i'm a girl. of course i have.

Fallen For Your Best Friend- yes i have.
Been Rejected- yes i have. i think everybody has.
Rejected Someone- yes i have.
Used Someone- nope. i can honestly and proudly say i haven't.
Been Cheated On- nope. i dont think. but my brothers are ready if anybody has a confession. =D
Been In Love- yes i most certainly have.
Cried When Someone Died- definitly...
Lied- yes i have. who hasn't?

Could You Live Without The Computer- yea.
Color Your Hair- not anymore. but i really want mine darker...back to my original hair color.
Ever Get Off The Computer- yes.
Habla Espanol- yes, i speak spanish. WOOO.
How Many Peeps Are On Your Buddylist- its up to the max..however many the max is.
Like Watching Sunrises Or Sunset- sunrise too early. sunsets rock.
What Hurts The Most Physical Pain Or Emotional Pain- emotional. most definitly. i'd rather break a bone every month than have a broken heart ever.

Name:: Anna
nickname:: Anna Boo, Big O, Britney, Anna Bug...

birthday:: May 17th.
birthplace:: Alabama. boo.
current mood:: now. pissed.
current taste:: cucumbers...still..
current hair:: down.
current clothes:: pajama pants, warm "ski" socks, and long john shirt.
current annoyance:: my freakin boyfriend.
current smell:: still cold air..
current thing you ought to be doing:: studying for my economics test.
current desktop picture:: a mountain with a moon now.
current favorite band: same ones as the last time.
current book:: a child called it.
current cd in stereo:: casting crowns.
current crush:: nobody
current favorite celeb:: jessica simpson.
smoke: no.
do drugs:: no.
have a dream that keeps coming back:: yes.
remember your first real love:: yes.
still love them:: no.
read the newspaper:: when i have a school assignment on it.
have any gay or lesbian friends:: used too.
believe in miracles:: yes.
believe it's possible to remain faithful forever:: yes.
consider yourself tolerant of others:: yes. because im tolerating right now. =D
consider love a mistake:: no. but sometimes you can make mistakes in love.
like the taste of alcohol:: yea but i dont drink anymore.
have a favorite candy:: runts..
believe in astrology:: no.
believe in magic:: no.
believe in God: yes.
have any pets:: no. :(
got to or plan to go to college:: yes. go falcons..
have any piercings:: my ears.
have any tattoos:: no.
hate yourself:: sometimes i can yeah. but not lately.
have an obsession:: yes.
have a secret crush:: no.
have a best friend:: i have a few. yes.
wish on stars:: no.
care about looks:: as a human, yes. of course.
love life:: im with someone...does that answer this question?
first crush:: zac snider. hahahah...
single or taken:: taken..
ever been in love:: yes.
do you believe in love at first sight:: haven't experienced it i don't know.
describe your ideal significant other:: sweet, patient, loving, and someone who...what else? DOESN'T LOOK A PORN. lol.

word association.
rubber:: ducky.
rock:: Jesus. IS MY ROCK YEAAAH.
green:: grass.
wet:: water.
cry:: what im doing right now. yay.
peanut:: salty.
hay:: gay horses.
cold:: right now.
steamy:: shower.
freaky:: static. AHHHH.
rain:: wet.
bite:: my nephew. he gets in trouble for that alot.

hair:: light brown.
eyes:: poo poo brown.
height:: 5'4"

last thing you.
bought:: water.
ate + drank:: cucumber with water.
read:: a child called it.

club or house party:: house party.
beer or cider:: cider.
drinks or shots:: drinks. like...non alcoholic..drinks..
cats or dogs:: dogs!!
pen or pencil:: good writing pens.
gloves or mittens:: gloves.
food or candy:: food.
cassette or cd:: CD.

have you ever.
dated one of your best friends:: yes.
loved somebody so much it made you cry:: yes.
drank alcohol:: yes.
done drugs:: a;lfdja;lsdkjf yes.
broken the law:: yes. lol.
run away from home:: nope.
broken a bone:: no.
played truth or dare:: yes.
kissed someone you didn`t know::
been in a fight:: not fist. otherwise yes.
come close to dying:: yes.
the most embarrasing cd in your collection:: nothing.
what is your bedroom like:: boring.
your favorite thing for breakfast:: cereal.

last person you.
talked to:: heather lay..
IMed:: heather lay..
had a serious conversation with:: heather lay..
yelled at:: matthew haze..
befriended:: nicole..

random questions.
what`s on your bedside table:: my alarm clock, and a picture of Matt.
what do you eat when you raid the fridge late at night:: i dont raid the fridge at night.
what is your secret guaranteed weeping movie:: A Walk to Remember.
do you ever have to beg:: yes. lol.
are you a pyromaniac:: oh yes. everybody knows.
do you know anyone famous:: my brother. HAHA. just keeding. not really but he does.
describe your bed:: black. im SOO gothic..
spontaneous or plain:: spontaneous.
do you know how to play poker:: no.
what do you carry with you at all times:: my purse and cell phone.
how do you drive:: no comment. lol.
what do you miss most about being little:: not having to deal with BOYS. GA;LDSFKJA;DSLKJF!!!!
how much money would it take to get you to give up the internet for a year:: a million trillion dollars + a masterati...not really but i would take it!!
what color is your bedroom:: creme colored.
what was the last song you were listening to:: who am casting crowns.
do you talk a lot:: yes. when im in a good mood i do.
do you like yourself and believe in yourself:: yes. mostly.
do you think you`re cute:: when in the dark i do. lol. jest keeding.
do poor, homeless, or starving people sometimes annoy you:: no. joel used to be one. haha. thats not funny...
do people in general annoy you:: some do.
pick a word that describes you best:: right now? pissy..
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