school is my "office" and i want to get out of it....badly. this post was my attempt to vent without pulling the "im am fat emo fuck" persona. im finding that i cant just lay back and expect people to come up and talk to me. ive got to go up and talk to them. ive been doing the opposite for so long i dont know how i can switch so fast but ill try. hell maybe ill get some new friends maybe ill loose some old ones, but in reality if friends do leave because of a choice to become more extroverted. then they wernt really friends in the first place. liquid courage; gives me the strength to tell people off. put them right in their place, whether or not they deserve it... thats how i treated people for so long, if they did something i dont agree with or something i find improper at the time. fuck i did it you you yesterday at lunch. hope you understand now...
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