Art Prompt Title: 1028
in1712Summary: Somehow the fire escape has become the designated smoking spot
Fic Title:
Between StrangersAuthor:
chromonymPairing(s): Arthur/Eames, Ariadne/Yusuf
Rating: PG-13
Word Count: 8600
Warnings: Mentions of violence, terrorism, and miscarriage.
Summary: A smoke break seems like a brief, throwaway encounter, and sometimes people let things slip. Arthur and Eames are haunted by an old betrayal, and a carefully-crafted plot comes to light.
Fic Title:
these are just a couple of my cravingsAuthor:
duckgirliePairing(s): Arthur/Eames
Rating: Pg-13
Word Count: 4500
Warnings: underage smoking?
Summary: Arthur has smoked Dunhills for as long as he could buy his own cigarettes. Eames smokes Marlboros when he's in America and Bensons when he's in England and bidis when he's been to India or he wants to see Arthur's nose wrinkle in distaste.
This is five years in five minute intervals.