you and your bf amuse me. you come at my friend with insults and vulgarity and im the shithead for standing up for these pussies as you called them. You started this mess yet turn it around on me. Why dont you try growing up. Do us all a favor. By the way the real world doesnt need or involve violence so tell your bf that there is no need to try to get me to fight him. I use knowledge and words over kicking someones ass. Its really sad that all this happened because of a post over french fries. Was it really that worth it?
Yes it was worth it--I now realize what shitheads you all are. I'm so glad we amuse you. Wait a second, didn't you take me off your friend's list, oh high and enlightened one? Fuck you, fuck your friends, and you're a goddamned hypocrit--leaving shit like this in MY journal after it's so "un-necessary." Get off the hippie band-wagon and then I'll have some respect for you.
Comments 7
Just my 2p.
-- Oobs.
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