in2_the_cold's LJ stalker is toxic_drgnfly88!toxic_drgnfly88 is stalking you because they think you are rich and they want your blingbling. They are also stalking you in real life. Look out!
Okay, so this thing here--you fill it out about me, than paste it into my comments and I read it. So, fill it out please! If you do, or post it in your journal, I will fill it out about you too. Isn't that a nice deal
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Woke up, called Bill. : ) I HOPE YOU FEEL BETTER BILL!! :*( Then took a shower and all that good stuff. Picked Alex up, and we drove to the mall. I skimmed through the new sample chapter of CHAINFIRE...I completely forgot that NE is out in paperback, so when I saw it I squealed and ran for it and read the CHAINFIRE sample chapter at the end. Pretty
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This weekend was fun/interesting. Went to Alex's on Saturday. Her friend Shelly was visiting her...Shelly's cool. We all went to Dice's and got milkshakes, then we just hung out at her house. Looked at this huge book of like, every animal that has ever existed. It was fun for the whole family. Then we went to McDonald's (Which I promptly vomited
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