Wonderland (prompt 2.5 - 4 for the_bigshow)

Mar 02, 2008 22:01

4. Scenarios: Your character is approached/attacked/confronted/etc…by one of the following things/people in one of the following settings. Write a fic based on this.

A. A six foot tall white rabbit, in the workplace.....

Ren’s always been pretty accepting when confronted with things that other people would take a step back from and waste valuable time doubting. Of course Constable Fraser holds conversations that are not at all one sided with his wolf. And of course the late Fraser senior has managed to work out how to use a keyboard in his ethereal form.

Apparently, Detective Kowalski was abducted by aliens at the tender age of ten; Ren intends to inquire whether they really are green or if that is just racial stereotyping when the opportunity arises.

Ren has made friends with vampires, witches, psychics and gods.

He wishes that more people could be as accepting as him. He doesn’t expect them to start believing in the tooth-fairy, (he can clap his hands hard enough to feel confident that he can reverse the terrible population reducing effects of those dreadful five words), or Santa. What he wants is much simpler; for people to just accept love and not act like it’s so hard to re-evaluate everything they’ve ever known when they see a couple of the same sex simply holding hands.

It only takes a moment for Ren to readjust his mindset when confronted with something that would make other people double-take, which is why he barely blinks when the 6ft white rabbit comes bounding up the steps of the Consulate to where he’s standing guard.

His first thought is “Its March, he must be a March Hare.”

Only, hares have a much slimmer, wiry physique. The animal standing on it’s hind legs in front of him has a broader, heavy set, and to be brutally honest, a paunch. He’s a rabbit, Ren assesses; a well fed rabbit.

“I’m late.”

“Ooooohhhh….” Ren thinks as the pieces slide into place. His eyes scan the street, just in case the March Hare is indeed somewhere nearby.

“I’m late.” The White Rabbit states again, pulling out a pocket watch from the pinstripe waistcoat he’s wearing. He fixes Ren with a stare, as if he’s waiting for the Mountie to offer a solution. Ren would, if he wasn’t standing guard.

“It must seem terribly rude of me not to answer him.”

The little pink nose twitches and wriggles in a disgusted snort.

“No manners, nave.”

Ren sighs inwardly. Some days he just can’t win.

With that, the White Rabbit pockets his watch and turns away. His cotton tail flashing as he skips back down the steps. For a moment, Ren actually dares consider abandoning his duty and following him; his body even pulls imperceptibly away from his rigid stance. But, he has another 19 minutes of guard duty yet, and he cannot justify leaving his post just so he can go down the rabbit hole.


Inside the Consulate, Constable Fraser presses his nose to the blue veined block of cheese that he found in the refrigerator.

His eyebrows slowly creep up his forehead.

He disposes of the laced dairy item before anyone has a chance to try some, and makes a mental note to discuss Constable Turnbull’s internet shopping resources later.


the big show

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