you know what sucks? realizing that 1. you will forever be sick apparently 2. you don't mean shit to someone that you used to and that closeness is gone. alright biiiiiiioooooooottttch. that's how it is.
why does everything suck? michael huth is the only thing that doesnt suck. i never sleep. it's terrible. i just want to go home and sleep for the rest of my life.
i have so much work to do that i cant get done because i cant focus because i am so tired.
PETE SCHMIDT show was a success!!! There was like 40-50 people that went it was awesome. So many people showed up that I didn't know were coming and it was amazing. Theta's were there and Zaks got his older Sigma Phi brothers to go...holla what! that was awesome.
I'm too lazy to make this a link but please.
why am i sick again? oh yea because i dont sleep and things piss me off.
i need to find a way to get to binghamton on saturday..want to come see tomorrow is forever with me? any takers? basically what im saying me to binghamton..bitch.