If you are who I think you are... Welcome back bb, you and your sexy!psycho!YeWook. Rofl your writings's just as beautiful (and distinctive) as always. ♥
Also, I've missed you! I never could reply to your pm because, well, your old lj's gone. D:
Also obviously I had no idea about this lj, you never told me, so idk if you still want us to be friends and re-add. If not, no worries, it's cool. I'll leave it up to you bb :)
i don't usually read yewook anymore but i'm glad i chose to read this, i haven't read such good dark!fic in ages and it's so good and the implications of what ryeowook did to sungmin and kyuhyun are chilling ;A; ♥
ah. er. xrosepetalsx delivered me here :D well not /here/ specifically, just your journal... but i found this and went 8D
this. is. idek. i can't make an insane or even coherent comment. i just. it's kind of different and kind of eccentric (to me) and kind of amazing. so yeah. C:
memming because i love it so much. there aren't words to describe what i feel for this fic, so sorry if this comment seems a little less substantial. ♥
Comments 109
Also, I've missed you! I never could reply to your pm because, well, your old lj's gone. D:
Yes please *adds* I missed you bb ♥ And lol I will just skip it right over anyway, no biggie
i hope you write more :D! i love your writing :)
hi darling &hearts I have minwook f-locked. want? :D
this. is. idek. i can't make an insane or even coherent comment. i just. it's kind of different and kind of eccentric (to me) and kind of amazing. so yeah. C:
memming because i love it so much. there aren't words to describe what i feel for this fic, so sorry if this comment seems a little less substantial. ♥
&hearts&hearts&hearts your comment's lovely, darling, I should know because I leave incoherent comments all the time XDDDD
I really don't know how to write something like this <3
Love lots!
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