when I lean out my window
I’m used to feeling the stale,
hot air upon my skin
an itchy feeling.
I’m used to seeing
nothing but cars race
by with their windows
open too.
I’ve grown so accustomed
to it that I’ve barely
noticed fall set in.
it’s a sneaky, devilish
thing around here.
the leaves-still immaculately
green and attached, leave
no sign of the new season.
but somewhere, if you
close your eyes and stand
outdoors you’ll find things
have significantly changed.
the clouds have set in regularly
and the air is much less harsh
cooler, almost. as if you could
leave yourself leaning out your
window all day.
with it comes a sense of…
renewal. a sense of starting over.
losing your own leaves,
growing away from the
mad fit that was summer.
it’s heady in it’s own way.
how you remember heat
so clearly so hatefully…
you’re ready to move on.
everything is ready
to move on.
It's so beautiful today. I think I'm going to get some good photos. Wish me luck.