After 21 and 1/2 years in this crazy world I think I can finally present ME
[in a metaphorical nutshell]
love my friends.
would die for my family.
am very outspoken, witty, cunning, convincing.
have faith like a child.
get let down OFTEN.
push boundaries, regardless of the consequences.
am always writing, never forming a complete work and scattering my thoughts around.
live with PASSION.
am not opposed to intimacy.
am a vegetarian.
will expand my mind in any way possible.
DO NOT know the meaning of the word TRUST.
practice the art of insomnia.
wish I didn't hold back.
enjoy big secrets...
and always keep them to myself
am at a turning point in my life...
if you want to make an impact on me, now is the time.
have felt my heart break in atleast 36 places...
when I let myself feel someone elses pain.
have never been completely understood by anyone.
am WILDLY independent.
have fallen in and out of love with love.
would die without music.
have broken a few hearts :(
am not proud of that.
hate, loathe, detest rumors and gossip.
live a drama free lifestyle and would like to keep it that way.
believe conversation is an art form.
question and overanalyze E-V-E-R-Y-T-H-I-N-G.
hope to meet a guy with good sexual karma.
do not judge anyone, even though I am judged EVERY DAY.
believe in "if you can't say anything nice...
don't say anything at all"...
unless you seriously cross me.
love good/cheap wine, and the consuming of such.
love watching people and playing on their idiosyncrasies.
know that making the most of someone else is an enriching opportunity.
live in full integrity and self respect.
can't last a day without being intellectually stimulated.
am a TOTAL food snob and am absolutely okay with that.
finally starting to realize what I want out of life.
hate to pretend that I am listening when Im not, but I do.
am insanely sarcastic, so much that you will not know when I am making fun of you.
love an old soft t-shirt.
live for intellectual conversations.
fell in LOVE with a boy...
wouldn't allow myself to get past a certain point.
ran away...
so he slept with another :/
things are getting better between us
but I fear I will never see him in the same light
and i hate myself for not allowing him to see that I DID love him the way he loved me.
am old fashioned when it comes to relationships and ::gasp:: boys
won't have sex with anyone I don't have STRONG feelings for/LOVE.
want someone to understand me.
know that no one ever truly will.
love to sleep with the air on freezing, curled up in 8203 blankets and pillows
or the arms of someone I care about
or next to my best friend :)
am a hopeful hopeless romantic
am very very picky about who I let get close to me
have been hurt more than my fair share...
and see that as a positive, learning experience
have a weird sixth sense of seeing right through people...
also of communicating with children...
love to snuggle
love to kiss LOVE IT.
am always looking forward to something- keeps me going.
love trying to see things from different points of view.
want to understand everything.
HATE hate!
And racism, classisim, sexism.
care too much.
would do ANYTHING for the people that I love.
appreciate beauty in strange things.
practice addiction in different forms
would MARRY Jack Kerouac because i LOVE his WORDS.
feel that jealousy is one of the ugliest characteristics a person could posess.
am the QUEEN OF self indulgence.
love the moment that something "clicks"
enjoy dancing in words
enjoy dancing in the rain
enjoy dancing like a complete maniac
enjoy dancing, period.
take risky chances.
this is only skimming the surface of all that is a part of me...
if you are a close friend,
and know something i left out...
post it in a comment.