well earlier i went to aSh.A.lEy`S hOuSe and we went for a run .. we figured we would run to eckerd, get a drink cause thats pretty far lmao then we got there and it was fricken closed we were pissed so we decided to run to 7-eleven cause eckerd`s was closed .. grrrrrr so then we both got our LOW CARB bars .. delicious and we were talkin to some
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Comments 26
Christa is great
If I were alone in a room with christa I would jump on her bed.
I think christa should become a circus performer
I want to eat with christa.
christa can eat my hair
Someday christa will be a whore
Christa reminds me of hula hoops
Without christa I would be gut
Christa can be greasy
screaming is how I describe meeting christa.
Worst thing about christa is she never eats any of her good food
Best thing about christa is she never eats any of her good food
I am jealous of christa.
i lo0ovE u s0o muCh x0ox
Christa is a turkish pothead.
If I were alone in a room with christa I write letters to muh brother from her.
I think christa should find a guy she likes and stick wit him and not go jumping from guy to guy.
I want to tlk to christa more.
christa can and will date my brother someday.
Someday christa will be a whore (but she already is one now! lol j.k or am i?).
Christa reminds me of christa.
Without christa i dont knoe where id be.
Christa can be very odd at times.
(idk what to type here) is how I describe meeting christa.
Worst thing about christa is she thinks shes fat!!!!
Best thing about christa is how she can always make me laugh no matter what.
I am best friends wit christa.
^ lol i swear u r going to marry muh bro!! iloveyou!
Christa is my whore.
If I were alone in a room with christa I would sleep.
I think christa should babysit my sea-monkey.
I want to burn christa.
christa can babysit my sea-monkey.
Someday christa will get STD's.
Christa reminds me of a butter eating freak.
Without christa i wouldnt be laur.
Christa can be a slutty hoe bag.
@#$%^&8 is how I describe meeting christa.
Worst thing about christa is shes a whore.
Best thing about christa is shes a whore.
I am ONE WITH christa.
i lo0ove you shit fuck x0ox
I (love) christa.
Christa is (mine).
If I were alone in a room with christa I would (laugh and laugh).
I think christa should (not worry about diet-ing).
I want to (hug my) christa.
christa can (love) my (family). - haha
Someday christa will (marry vin.).
Christa reminds me of (whack-a-butt).
Without christa (my life would suck).
Christa can be (hot tamales?).
(BIRD) is how I describe meeting christa.
Worst thing about christa is (theres nothing bad about her).
Best thing about christa is (evurything) ?.
I am (obviously not) christa.
lolol <3 i love yo
MuCh LoVe To YoU aNd YoUr MoMmA x0ox
christa is sexy!
if i were alone in a room with christa i would lol iron her hair!
i think christa should i dunno??
i want to be like christa
christa can sbfyb my slfjbslk
someday christa will be married
christa reminds me of i dunno
without christa my life would be incomplete!lol
christa can be a bitch..only sometimes
rhbtkeb is how i describe meeting christa
the worst thing about christa is that she never shuts up
the best thing about christa is she is always there
i am in love with christa!!!lol
i love you dear!
x0ox iloveyousoverymuch christa lynn
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