title: ruby slippers
rating/word count: pg/ 219
one line summary: She exhales, taps her feet together. Dorthy always said there was no place like home.
notes: because taylore asked, and i had this lying around. i'll be giving you tons of better stuff soon, bb. promise. ♥
“This is your home,”
And all the words come out sounding wrong.
Like the alphabet read backwards or salty-sweet food that never tastes right on her tongue. She hears the words, dissects each syllable, and finds herself stuck on the last word.
All her memories of the place, the yard in which she was now standing, were old.
Distant and far away.
Happiness as it seemed collected cobwebs.
A tear falls down from her eye, slides down her cheek, and she doesn't seem to notice.
Doesn't wipe it away.
Was home four brick walls that had contained her for sixteen years? Held her in like a prison cell.
Home was supposed to be pumpkin pies and movie nights. Laughter and laundry soap.
She exhales, taps her feet together.
Dorthy always said there was no place like home.
She's still there, hasn't moved an inch.
Wonders if that's some sort of sign.
“I can't do this anymore,” She whispers and wonders if her words carry.
Her ear drums hum with yelling and screaming from arguments past.
“I can't...”
Home is where the heart is.
Her heart beats in her chest. Thumps and thumps and begs her to listen.
She doesn't say she's sorry this time.
She turns her back, gets in the car, and leaves.