If you think you're going to be involved in the interrogation + ending, please make sure to read this!
Okay, so I'm thinking that this current thread will end with Soze being captured/incapacitated. He's the only one with the code to open Leoben's room, however, so I'm thinking the rescue team can get him into a cell or something and interrogate him.
The interrogation will DEFINITELY happen in IRC, since a thread with all that dialogue'll take way too long on LJ. We'll see if we can arrange a time with the people involved. I think it would be kickass if he ends up truth serum'd, just because of the irony. However, even while under the influence of truth serum, I highly, highly doubt he would talk. The IRC crew will realize this, 'thread' will end. Since this is IRC, this should only take one night. (Thank God.)
Someone, however (Jeff, maybe?) will contact Kaa. Kaa is well-known for his ability to pry into minds/hypnotize/ etc, so he should be able to get the answer out of Soze. Code is known. Leoben will be saved. Fistpump! This particular thread will happen on LJ, becauseeeeee...
Soze becomes useless quickly after. If possible, I'd like him dead before people run off to free Leoben, which means I'd like him to die in this thread after the code is known. ( ;o; ) Who would volunteer to do this? Who thinks their pup would do this? And how? I'd like all the options to be discussed, etc etc. Hell, several people can volunteer and we can decide who is best when the time comes. Keep in mind, I don't want him to die instantly. I want a chance to be all poetic and shit.
SO. POST HERE. Comments, concerns, suggestions, criticism, whatnot. Also post here if you think you're going to be involved with either of these scenes!
HOPEFULLY THESE SCENES WILL ONLY TAKE A FEW DAYS. (Oh, they better.) When they're done, I'm ducking out of the plot. Thanks so much for being involved, you guys. ♥