Not directly related to the plot, but Sweeny Todd and Keyser Soze and... yeah.
* Soze[yard] steps outside, practically hugging the wall, as always.
* Mr_Todd hasn't moved.
* Soze[yard] raises a hand in greeting. He's more emotionally deadened than usual (if that's POSSIBLE), and it's mostly because he hates this fucking place.
* Mr_Todd is pretty emotionally dead out here, too, you know. Whatever. Tinkertinkertinker.
* Soze[yard] leans against the wall and closes his eyes.
* Mr_Todd hits the wrong button, and ends up five feet -above- the bench. Whump! Oh, for the love of.... ><
* Soze[yard] 's eyes shoot open.
Soze[yard]> ...You okay?
* Mr_Todd dusts himself off and puts the pinpoint away, for now. "M'fine."
Mr_Todd> Thank you.
Soze[yard]> Still taking it apart?
* Soze[yard] leans forward a bit.
Mr_Todd> Hm, well. I took it apart, and put it back together, but I don't really have it, do I?
* Soze[yard] smiles. "Seems not."
Soze[yard]> Are you trying to make it do something special?
Mr_Todd> I just want it in a bloody pocketwatch.
Soze[yard]> I thought they made watch versions.
* Soze[yard] folds his arms, still leaning back against the wall. He watches, curious.
* Mr_Todd is done being annoyed about the pinpoint. He shrugs.
Soze[yard]> Can't get it to take you back home either, can you.
Mr_Todd> I can't leave the Nexus.
Soze[yard]> I know.
Mr_Todd> I can't do anything, here.
Soze[yard]> We're prisoners.
* Soze[yard] pushes himself off the wall.
* Soze[yard] jerks, suddenly. Jeff is probably freaking out about something inside. This is -wonderful.-
Mr_Todd> This is hell.
* Soze[yard] purses his lips. "Have they done anything to you yet?"
Soze[yard]> The people here?
Soze[yard]> They're awful.
* Mr_Todd shakes his head, expecting an elaboration.
Soze[yard]> They're oblivious to their own faults.
Soze[yard]> They see nothing -wrong- with themselves, when in reality...
* Soze[yard] shakes his head, giving a weak laugh.
Soze[yard]> They tortured me. More than once. They killed me, because they thought it was -justice- and they were -wrong.- It was for their own fun and satisfaction and they -knew- it.
Soze[yard]> And they're lying to themselves, and everyone else, that they're decent human beings.
Soze[yard]> Nobody's decent. Especially not -here.-
Mr_Todd> Not anywhere, so especially not here.
Soze[yard]> Not anywhere.
* Soze[yard] steps off from the wall.
Soze[yard]> I hope you're looking out for yourself.
Mr_Todd> Sort of thing should be damning, so why are we the ones in hell?
Soze[yard]> We're the ones that got caught.
* Soze[yard] is having this conversation at what, 10 feet away? He steps forward now, probably outside of the AV field. He tells himself that he has his PINpoint and his gun and that should be enough if something happens. It's complete habit.
Soze[yard]> But we're also stronger than them, because we're the ones that are lasting.
Mr_Todd> We're the ones -kept there-, is what it is, sir.
* Mr_Todd isn't playing with razors right now. The man is probably sa... oh, wait, there's a razor.
* Soze[yard] frowns, but it fades fast.
Mr_Todd> This isn't what we deserve. We deserve to die, as much as they do, but they're not stuck here, are they, sir?
Soze[yard]> ...
Soze[yard]> We're in a very interesting position.
Mr_Todd> Interesting.
Soze[yard]> We can still affect their lives. Even now.
Mr_Todd> There's no worth to that.
Soze[yard]> ...No worth?
* Mr_Todd shrugs.
* Soze[yard] tilts his head.
Soze[yard]> Why?
Mr_Todd> You might be a little more specific, first.
Soze[yard]> Revenge?
Soze[yard]> Oh, of course, this doesn't matter to you.
Soze[yard]> They haven't done anything yet.
Soze[yard]> Not to you.
Mr_Todd> Affecting their lives isn't revenge.
Soze[yard]> Would you like me to use stronger language?
Mr_Todd> I thought I had revenge, and I will take it, but 'affecting their lives'? I think you'd better.
Soze[yard]> I will kill them.
Soze[yard]> Is that something you can understand?
Mr_Todd> That's different.
Soze[yard]> Semantics, semantics.
* Soze[yard] 's voice has grown icy, all of a sudden, which shouldn't be too surprising, considering he's started talking about killing people.
Mr_Todd> I thought you were talking about something impractical and petty like... 'affecting their lives'.
* Mr_Todd is, on the other hand, possibly a little more lively, now, for the topic of conversation. The way he examines the blade is much more human an expression than the one with which he regards the people inside.
* Soze[yard] eyes the blade.
Soze[yard]> I don't go for the impractical.
* Mr_Todd turns it so Soze can see it better. Here, he'll hold it closer for him, as well. It's likely he right well means that to be a threat.
* Soze[yard] is going to take that as a threat, since, according to Jeff, he should be unable to fire a gun right now and so he -shouldn't take chances.- Still, he doesn't step back. He's thinking about what he'll do if he needs to ecscape, of course, but he doesn't step back.
* Soze[yard] is a stubborn bastard.
Soze[yard]> *flatly* Nice.
Soze[yard]> Is the person who killed you here?
Mr_Todd> No, he's not. That doesn't matter.
* Mr_Todd thinks the blade is very nice, yes. See how shiny it is? Isn't that lovely? Look at it.
Soze[yard]> Why not?
Mr_Todd> I let him.
Soze[yard]> ...
Soze[yard]> Huh. I can see why you're disappointed.
* Mr_Todd is terribly disappointed.
Soze[yard]> I wonder if it always snows out here.
Soze[yard]> Anyway, I'm heading inside. Nice chat, right?
Mr_Todd> ....
* Soze[yard] smiles anyway. Oh, he's so sweet.
* Soze[yard] pulls out his PINpoint, mostly because he doesn't feel like turning his back to Todd.
Soze[yard]> I'll see you later.
Mr_Todd> Good evening, sir.
* Soze[yard] PINpoints back into the sanctuary.