Shit Happens: That's Life

Jan 21, 2011 02:31

Impulse to Write: Two missed alerts; two texts from two very important people.

Having been a high school graduate for almost two years it has come to my realization that what is said about graduation is quite true: the friends you have in high school often change to be the friends you had in high school. Rarely do the people we grow attached to during those four developing years remain actively a part of our daily lives. The reason for this is obvious though; with graduation comes college which brings moving away, changed environments, new people, busy schedules. The old life of high school is soon forgotten, or at least buried with new memories created. People tend to forget past friends, whether they be the mere acquaintance who sat behind you in English, or the closest friend you've had since middle school. When trivial things such as "being busy" become superior to what truly matters in life such as relationships, it saddens me; but Forest Gump put it wisely with inspiration on that bumper sticker: Shit Happens. And unfortunately, that's life.


Woke up late today for the first time this semester. I didn't make it very far in my long term early-to-rise goal as today was only the third day of school. An early 9:10 AM class and it being only the second class gathering my morning was already in an irritably rushed start. Hastily preparing for the busy day ahead of me my sister and I eventually head out; with her quickly dropped off at school, I manage to get to class earlier than anticipated, 9:55 AM. Too early to be frank; I had forgotten the teacher decided to start the class at 9:15. How marvelous it is to spend 20 minutes standing outside of my locked classroom.

From Chupa:
9:08 AM

Silenced phone in hand, I don't read it until 9:20 when I'm already in class.

From Me:
9:21 AM
Good morning~
Gahh I'm in class right now.. don't get out until 11:50  & then meeting @ noon... but what's up? How u been?

My heart sinks at his reply:

9:25 AM
Good. Sorry. Just saying hi


Meeting's over at 1:15, lunch afterward with co-workers and then work from 2 til 6. At home, dinners finished, I'm relaxed in front of the TV & receive another text:

From Carol:
7:25 PM
Girl long time no talk what's up?

Luckily this time I have time to chat and catch up. I'm glad I did.

From Carol:
8:04 PM
I value our friendship a lot. So whatever you need you know you can count on me ;)

From Me:
8:07 PM
I too value our friendship Carol... & while we're on this topic, I just want to apologize for not keeping in touch... Its something I can do to keep our friendship thriving, but unfortunately make up excuses of "being too busy" to stay in touch... And for that, I am truly sorry Carolina.


I've been busy. I don't have time. I'm working and have school. I can't, I'm busy.

The very lame reason for recent absence from previously active lj and facebook accounts. And the very lame and unexcusable excuse for my lack of social interaction between close friends. Yes, tis the excuse of all excuses, and for luxury time spent on lj and fb, I whole-heartedly find it perfectly acceptable as an excuse. But for keeping in touch with a friend, that excuse on the contrary is wholly unacceptable. I've had two very close friends text me today whom I hadn't seen or chatted with in a while. Seeing their names on my phone, two missed alerts from them made me look back a little. How awful of a person must I be to not remember my two closest friends? I mean, sure, we all have those people who are "friends," (when it comes to us being busy, tired, or just plain introverted, when we see those certain names come up for calls/txts, we chose instantly not to answer), but realizing that I almost did that to these two people, my best friend from middle school, high school & even up til now, and my big little brother from high school, I almost cried.

I know life gets busy, stressed, complicated with the age progression and becoming an adult in the world but despite all that vital relationships in our lives should be taken care of, nurtured, or like our lives, they will wither and die. Relationships with other people don't just remain constant or progress if left alone (I've learned this in numerous difficult ways); it's just the contrary. We need to put a little more effort into keeping friendships alive, growing, thriving. They will not just grow themselves; and no, it's not instant and you can't just add water.

But it's easier said than done, right?
Isn't it always?
Luckily, Carol had some much needed gracious words of wisdom for me:

From Carol:
8:09 PM
It's cool, it's life. Sometimes life pulls us away from the people we care about but later on when life slows down a bit we remember them again :)

She is without a doubt correct in my eyes. I know with it being only January and another semester of school barely beginning, "being busy" is about to be taken to a whole different level. I know what the future holds for me; and because I know what's ahead I can prepare myself by knowing I am going to be pulled away from Chupa, Carolina, my sister, brother, mom and dad, friends and family. But I won't fret too much, I'll just remember three things: that shit happens, that it's life, and that when life slows down a bit I won't fail to remember you.


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