wow. today is potentially the last day of uni ever. it's definitely the last day with all my beautiful friends at least. it's almost like year 12 again but only being at school for 3 years hahah. does anyone wanna come out and get drunk in celebration this evening?
lets have a quick stroll down memory lane :(
then i should go get ready :|
Here is a breif synopsis of everyone (l to r, in case people dont know..):
Goran: Matt's beautiful boyfriend
Matt: nicest guy pretty much ever. and the first gay guy i've ever liked, but how was i to know?! he's as straight as they come!! he is the smartest boy I know and whatever he plans to do in life I know he'll go far, SNIFFLE.
Ben: funniest guy pretty much ever! seriiiiiously. if you are ever wanting to party and no one wants to do it with you, just holla to ben and he'll come running. one of the best guys i've ever met, fantastic trumpet player as we all know, and i'm glad we all got to experience the effigy of now-ness all together for a mini cat empire fix at times haha.
Leah: goodness, you can't not love her either. she's a bit of a party animal as well but has calmed down slightly since getting together with rein which is still the best thing ever. we sit there in our lectures trying to justify to matt why we're not on our second book of lecture notes for psych yet 'but matt!! we write on both sides of the page!!'. we're the biggest losers ever but also the most fun. its just all good :(
Ben's Katie: Beno's guuuurl as the name implies
Candice: she's a funny one. nice and quiet but also a nutcase. i love her to bits and when you doo get her out (its slightly hard living in dandenong), she pretty much goes hard or goes home too. we love it.
Katie: is my friend who is getting married in december WHAT. i know, crazy right? but it seriously just is the right time for her. she's the most maternal person i know and has been able to take on so much over these few years im just waaaay proud of her. that and she's always good if you want a chuckle. her loud mouthed ways at the start is why i even made a friend. Orientation early 2004, walking down the path to where our lecture theatres are etc 'hi are you in this course too? im going to tell you my life story' hahah.
Jess: jess i havent known as long as the rest! she's went to school with candy and should technically be a year above us but deferred for awhile. i'm so happy she came back though cause this is another 'i dont know how to stop dancing, hey wanna go to the night cat?' party animals. again, its sad that she lives so far away. but she still wins at life.
hahahah at naming this photo 'excited'
I needed to include photos of people I've had to spend a lot of time with this year cause they're just as important, namely Defne, Bianca and Tania. And now that Giovanni has found the wonders of myspace, it's impossible to lose contact hahahah.