i have not updated this journal in almost ten weeks, because i haven't been writing. so,
naked just isn't good enough anymore; wants him stripped bare to the bones with all his muscles and tendons like twine holding whatever makes him real inside. wants to hold it, that insubstantial thing or that twitching heart, in the palm of the hand and read what makes him tick. naked just isn't good enough anymore. wants to know every inch, every nerve ending, every blood vessel, every empty space. every organ blushing pink, exposed to the light. wants to find what makes him alive, breathing, past all the biology -- the soul of being. and skin, skin is just in the way, but it's the closest, the next best thing. settles, settled, settling for naked. not settling at all.
not part of anything, spur of the moment thinking. hopefully something more substantial in the near future. ♥