Since the Coyote has up and vanished, and taken his LJ with him (I'm not worrying, he wouldn't want me to worry, so I'm not worrying...), I'm going to start a meme among his friends. I'm posting a video he might have posted (although probably not this one, as he's covered this song already, but I like it, dammit), and tagging another of his friends to do the same tomorrow, who should likewise tag someone. Even if you don't want to post a video, please tag somebody else. I'd like to keep the countdown going in his honor.
Without further ado:
Lip Dub IUT SRC Rouen 2008by
arcanes-prod Tag
txanne, you're it!
[Fourth Wall Here: Before I freak anybody else out, this post pertains to characters from Shadow Unit. There's a more full explanation
here, which I posted after I freaked out a few of my friends the last time this particular character had LJ drama. This time, we suspect that something much, much worse is going on, but the Shadow Unit writers are going to keep us in suspense for a while longer...]