First OOTD!

Dec 01, 2009 18:28

Hey all! :) I'm Grace, a senior in the Linguistics department of the University of Washington in Seattle. I'm excited to be here, and I hope I can contribute to making inbetweenies a more exciting place! I only have one OOTD for you today because my schedule's been too crazy for much else but jeans and sweatshirts lately, but here's hoping for more fun outfits in the future.

I wore this outfit to a breast cancer benefit with my best friend. :)

And a second image, with a horrible face but a better look at the clothes...

Top // Faith21, 1x
Belt // H&M, L
Skinny jeans // Metrostyle, 14 (Metrostyle skinny jeans have STRETCH)
Boots // Target, 9.5

Your model is 5'8" and 210lbs, size 14/16, and 45-35-47.
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