I hate the internet

Oct 27, 2005 11:29

I really do hate the internet. The only reason I ever get on is to check my e-mail in hopes that Noelle has written me, check Noelle's LJ in hopes that she has written something that I'm actually alowed to read, get on AIM to talk to Noelle, or to write on this stupid thing, and the only reason I write on here is because I look at it as a way to ( Read more... )

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Comments 2

heart_onsleeve1 October 29 2005, 02:22:29 UTC
I know it was just a dream sweetie, but you know worrying about it is just natural, and I love the internet, but ya know what......I love you so much more!!!!!!


heart_onsleeve1 November 4 2005, 05:49:44 UTC
So I am on the phone with you right now crying because of my bad day, and I want to let you know that I love you more than anything in the world. You are everything to me, and my best friend. I love you, thanks.


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