Welcome to Round 16 of the Inception Kink Meme.
Prompting System
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Post-Inception, Arthur and Eames spend one week in LA doing not much more than hanging around each other in Arthur’s safe house and having sex (with condoms please).
Arthur can’t believe that Eames is still there. He’s happy, but also expected Eames to move on quickly after a one night stand.
Eames wants a relationship with Arthur, but mistakes Arthur’s surprised looks for the “What the hell are you still doing here? I’m not going to actually tell you to, but I want you to leave” type of looks instead.
So he leaves.
Arthur is disappointed (and they’re both heartbroken).
A few months later he finds himself with a private physician he trusts and said man tells him that he’s pregnantYears of different chemicals being pumped into his body due to dream sharing has apparently caused him to develop a functional female reproduction system (and condoms fail, it happens ( ... )
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