Welcome to Round 19 of the Inception Kink Meme.
Prompting System
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But I want Eames and Arthur's first attempt at getting pregnant, with lots and lots of belly and nipple kissing, the top slowly rimming and fingering the bottom open, thigh-nuzzling, necking, and sweet, adoring dirty talk. Would prefer Arthur being the one getting pregnant, but either would be fine with me. Make me melt with their excitement and their love for one another. <3
MOOOOOOOOAR, anon, pleeeeease! I'm not a big fan of mpreg usually BUT this is so lovely and intimate and real and in character and "I think you would’ve looked amazing with our baby in you." <3_<3
Anon, ILU!!!
Did you abandon this story? Please let us know. I check every day and every day I die a little bit inside.
THANK YOU FOR READING, ANYONE WHO HAS, AND A SPECIAL THANK YOU TO THE COMMENTERS WHO DIDN'T GIVE UP ON ME. You guys helped me get back in the swing of things and I really will try my hardest to wrap this up ASAP. Calling it CONCEPTION would be a little too twee, right?Even though Arthur could probably leverage this and make Eames promise him anything in the world right now, he doesn’t. He glides his nails against Eames’ scalp and kisses him until they have to break apart to catch their breath, and fuck it, Arthur could talk Eames into whatever he pleases whenever he pleases, and all he wants now is kisses. This isn’t the sort ( ... )
“Honestly, if the sprog ends up with your lack of creativity, we’re going to have to put them in therapy.” *giggles*
So hot and sweet.
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